Blum catalogue and technical manual

304 Catalogue 2022/2023 • KA-150 Standard cabinet Drawer Inner drawer Drawer – N 30 82.5 DQC21A 306 Drawer – M 30 98.5 65 DQC2QM 308 Inner drawer – M 30 106 65 DQC45A 310 Drawer – K 30 130.5 65 DQC3FY 312 Inner drawer – K 30 136.5 65 DQC4UM 314 High fronted pull-out Inner pull-out Corner cabinet kg Dynamic carrying capacity Applications kg Space re- quirement Web code Page Height (mm) SPACE CORNER with SYNCROMOTION 65 Help with planning and ordering Short URL SPACE CORNER with rigid fronts 65 Help with planning and ordering Short URL High fronted pull-out – gallery – C 30 192 65 DQC5JY 316 High fronted pull-out – gallery – D 30 224 65 DQC69A 320 High fronted pull-out – gallery – D – K drawer side 30 224 65 DQC6YM 324 High fronted pull-out – gallery – D – alu frames 30 224 65 DQC8DA 330 Applications kg Space re- quirement Web code Page Height (mm) Box systems 〉 TANDEMBOX antaro 〉 Overview – applications Inner pull-out – gallery – C 30 192 65 DQCAHA 318 Inner pull-out – gallery – D 30 224 65 DQCB6M 322 Inner pull-out – gallery – D – K drawer side 30 224 65 DQCBVY 326 High fronted pull-out – gallery – C – alu frames 30 192 65 DQC7NY 328 Box systems