Blum catalogue and technical manual
640 E-SERVICES and assembly devices 〉 Drilling and insertion machines 〉 Accessories Catalogue 2022/2023 • KA-150 EASYSTICK Case studies Ready, steady, drill EASYSTICK incorporates a computer so for the first time you will be able to plan cabinets direct- ly on the machine. After entering the cabinet dimensions, all drilling positions are determined automatically. Keep up to date Updates are available for download and can be applied via a USB stick. So you can rest assured that EASYSTICK will always be current in terms of features and products. Position EASYSTICK ruler EASYSTICK replaces the conventional ruler and revolutionises front and cabinet assem- bly – it can even be retrofitted on your existing MINIPRESS PRO | MINIPRESS P dependant on age. Install control unit A special bracket is used to mount the computer directly on the machine, so it’s simply a case of ready, steady, drill. Easy stops EASYSTICK’s illuminated markers indicate drilling positions. The ruler moves automatically. With EASYSTICK, you can move with precision, without any readjustment necessary. Your perfect support Blum drilling and insertion machines with EASYSTICK make light work of precision front and cabinet drilling – regardless of whether you are working with MINIPRESS top | MINIPRESS PRO | MINIPRESS P – retro- fitted or fitted with EASYSTICK, your MINIPRESS becomes your perfect assistant. The EASYSTICK computer calculates the drilling positions for the fittings once you have entered the workpiece dimensions. The ruler (X axis) then moves automatically and shows the right drilling position step-by-step. ▬ Precise assembly results with automatically movable ruler (X axis) ▬ Planning results can be copied easily from the Cabinet Configurator ▬ Updates make it easy to keep your EASYSTICK software (functions and new products) equipped to perform to the optimum ▬ Can be retrofitted to existing machines (MINIPRESS PRO | MINIPRESS P) E-SERVICES and assembly devices Integrated working Planning results are copied from the Cabinet Configurator via a USB stick. The barcode scanner allows you to retrieve and edit work assignments.
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