Julius Blum GmbH, Beschlaegefabrik

Masthead Masthead as st ipulated by § 25 of the Media Act Owner and publisher: Julius Blum GmbH Industr iestrasse 1 6973 Hoechst, Austr ia Telephone: +43 (0)5578 705 0 Fa x: +43 (0)5578 705 - 44 Email: info@blum.com Website: w w w.blum.com Commercial register: 62067 a Place of jurisdict ion: Feldk irch Regional Cour t, Austr ia VAT ID: ATU 35695903 Regulator y body according to the E-Commerce Act (ECG) Bregenz Distr ict Author ities, Austr ia Object ive of the company To develop, manufacture and sell furniture fit tings and assembly devices for k itchens and furniture made by industr ial manufacturers and cabinet makers Editors in chief Sandra Schulz Anja Wölfl Photos Klaus Fussenegger Walter Dür Concept and design Lighthouse GmbH 88131 Lindau, Germany w w w.lighthouse.de Publishing and product ion Vorar lberger Ver lagsanstalt GmbH Dornbirn, Austr ia Copyr ight by Julius Blum GmbH. Fur ther pr inting, copying, redistr ibution or publication of any par t of this maga zine is str ictly prohibited unless expressly permit ted by the publisher.