Blum Furniture Hardware Hongkong Limited Tel: +852 2572-2816 Fax: +852 2572-2817 Email: Website: All content is copyrighted by Blum. Printed in Hong Kong. EP-372/2ML-HK BESTELLHILF IDNR 769.714.6 Products Order Manual ౢ ࠔ ुᖼЋн 2020 Ver: 201912
B6 S2 S2 S2 S2 S3 S3 S3 S3 Hinge systems ߐ ላ س ӈ - in pair (ჹး) BLUMOTION ፂ - in pair (ჹး) TIP-ON ኤቸ - per piece (ҹး) Opening angle stop ࡋف ज़ ڋ Ꮤ - per piece (ҹး) C1 CLIP top BLUMOTION ϣፂ CLIP top Optional ёᚐѦଛፂ B1 - B6 CLIP top - unsprung hinge όቸᘽ ߐ ላ Optional ёᚐѦଛኤቸ T1 - T4 hinge ߐ ላ blind corner hinge ϣᜐਣ ߐ ላ hinge ߐ ላ hinge ߐ ላ 0-protrusion hinge ѳՉ ߐ ላ thick door hinge ߐߐࠆ ላ corner cabinet bi-fold hinge ᙯ ߐ᠄שف ላ C1 & CU1: 110o hinge ߐ ላ٬Ҕ C3: 107o hinge ߐ ላ٬Ҕ C4 & CU4: 155o hinge ߐ ላ٬Ҕ 110o 86o 86o Overlay ޔ ᖉ ߐ ላ Dual λ ߐ ላ Inset ε ߐ ላ ߐ 䞍5-6ϩ ߐ 䞍4ϩ ߐ 䞍2ϩ ϣ S1 S1 S1 S1 B1/B6 B1/B6 B2/B6 B3 B5 B5 B5 B1/B6 B1/B6 B2/B6 B3 B6 ______pair ჹ (1818740) ______pair ჹ (3953338) ______pair ჹ (6366883) ______pair ჹ (4556928) ______pair ჹ (3178990) ______pair ჹ (2954586) ______pair ჹ (5516956) ______pair ჹ (5482526) ______pair ჹ (2528035) ______pair ჹ (1728483) ______pair ჹ (1128720) ______pair ჹ (8993543) ______pair ჹ (6189385) ______pair ჹ (2985960) ______pair ჹ (2041784) ______pair ჹ (2690562) ______pair ჹ (8002822) ______pair ჹ (5341610) ______pair ჹ (4196830) _______pair ჹ (6450037) ______pair ჹ (2212354) ______pair ჹ (2648299) _______pc ҹ (9048274) _______pc ҹ (6285154) _______pc ҹ (3312754) _______pair ჹ (2298022) _______pair ჹ (7315380) _______pair ჹ (3682636) _______pair ჹ (2600928) _______pair ჹ (4609329) _______pc ҹ (7696336) _______pc ҹ (5066363) _______pc ҹ (6484096) _______pc ҹ (4722188) Company Name 公司名稱: __________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person 聯絡人: _____________________Tel. 電話: _____________ Email 電郵: ________________________ Type ᅿᜪ Ver: 201912 C2 C4 ______pair ჹ (2974362) C3 C5 C6 C7 0-protrusion hinge ѳՉ ߐ ላ hinge ߐ ላ CU1 CU4 ______pair ჹ (5503694) ______pair ჹ (1390905) ______pair ჹ (9646867) ______pair ჹ (9852357) S1 S1 S1 S1 ______pair ჹ (7284059) ______pair ჹ (1714073) S3 S3 S3 S3 B1 B2 B3 B5 T1 T2 T3 T4 S3 S2 S1 Page 1 B5 ______pair ჹ (7438927)
Lift systems ᙌ سߐ ӈ HF HL Company Name 公司名稱: __________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person 聯絡人: _____________________Tel. 電話: _____________ Email 電郵: ________________________ HK top HK-XS AVENTOS HF Cabinet height ᘕᡏଯ ࡋ : 480~1,040mm Cabinet width ᘕᡏᗡ ࡋ : up to 1,800mm Cabinet depth ᘕᡏు ࡋ : min. 278mm AVENTOS HL Cabinet height ᘕᡏଯ ࡋ : 300~580mm Cabinet width ᘕᡏᗡ ࡋ : up to 1,800mm Cabinet depth ᘕᡏు ࡋ : min. 278mm AVENTOS HK top Cabinet height ᘕᡏଯ ࡋ : 205~600mm Cabinet width ᘕᡏᗡ ࡋ : up to 1,800mm Cabinet depth ᘕᡏు ࡋ : min. 187mm AVENTOS HK-XS Cabinet height ᘕᡏଯ ࡋ : 240~600mm Cabinet width ᘕᡏᗡ ࡋ : up to 1,800mm Cabinet depth ᘕᡏు ࡋ : min. 200mm Standard ྗଛ SERVO-DRIVE ႝଛ TIP-ON ኤቸଛ No. ౢ ࠔ ጓဦ Cabinet ᘕᡏ Front ߐ ݈ Height ଯ ࡋ Width ᗡ ࡋ Weight ख़ໆ Material ނ Thickness ࡋࠆ Density ஏ ࡋ SERVO-DRIVE ႝଛ Standard ྗଛ TIP-ON ኤቸଛ STAFF USE ONLY ᙍҔ Order Form ुᖼ ߄ (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (set ) (set ) (set ) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (set ) (set ) (set ) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (set ) (set ) (set ) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (set ) (set ) (set ) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (set ) (set ) (set ) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (set ) (set ) (set ) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (set ) (set ) (set ) HK top e.g. 800mm 500mm 3kg 20mm 8 3 800kg/m3 MDF Ver: 201912 Standard ྗଛ TIP-ON ኤቸଛ Standard ྗଛ SERVO-DRIVE ႝଛ Standard ྗଛ SERVO-DRIVE ႝଛ 4 Page 2
TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ Runner systems ၡॉ س ӈ : TANDEM Еᘕఏၡॉ Company Name 公司名稱: ________________________________________________ PA No. 號碼:_______________ Contact Person 聯絡人: _____________________Tel. 電話: _____________ Email 電郵: ________________________ Loading Capacity ॄख़ Nominal Length ᘕఏు ࡋ TANDEM plus BLUMOTION ϣፂၡॉ TANDEM plus TIP-ON ኤቸၡॉ (όፂਏ݀) ________set (5511403) 270mm ________set (4101990) 300mm ________set (7608740) ________set (1796530) 350mm ________set (8155372) ________set (2243369) 400mm ________set (3597066) ________set (4937242) 450mm ________set (1154753) ________set (1580116) 500mm ________set (5702617) ________set (1834605) 550mm ________set (2565959) 30kg Starting with cabinet width 600mm ࡌ ᘕఏᗡ ࡋ 600mm܈а٬Ҕ TIP-ON synchronisation linkage ኤቸၡॉӕೱௗ Linkage Size = inner cabinet width - 277mm ೱௗ܌ሡЁκ = ᘕᡏϣᗡ - 277mm TB1 TB2 ________set (8995671) Runner systems ၡॉ س ӈ : MOVENTO Еᘕఏၡॉ Nominal Length ᘕఏు ࡋ #1 MOV + MOVENTO parts ଛҹ TIP-ON BLUMOTION parts ଛҹ TIP-ON BLUMOTION (“TOB ver.”) is only available for the one who has completed the TOB training courses. TIP-ON BLUMOTION (“TOB ހ ҁ”) ѝග ๏ٮ ֹԋ TOB ૽ፐำϐ៝࠼Ƕ MOVENTO TIP-ON BLUMOTION Type ᅿᜪ ________set (5024548) 300 mm Parts ଛҹ Parts ଛҹ ________set (2368890) Weight ӝख़ໆ 350 mm 400 mm 450 mm 500 mm 550 mm ________set (7261437) ________set (2341044) ________set (2838070) ________set (4090125) ________set (7841642) S1 10 - 20kg L1 L3 / / NJ L3: 15 - 40kg ________set (8743540) ________set (1286932) #1 #1 #1 TOB Synchroisation Linkage TOB ӕೱௗ ________pc ҹ (2101757) Size = inner cabinet width - 247mm ܌ሡЁκ = ᘕᡏϣᗡ - 247mm 1,125mm Ver: 201912 Page 3 899mm Loading Capacity ॄख़ 40kg
Box systems ᘕఏ س ӈ : TANDEMBOX intivo (Silk White) Company Name 公司名稱: __________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person 聯絡人: _____________________Tel. 電話: _____________ Email 電郵: ________________________ Loading Capacity ॄख़ Nominal Length ᘕఏు ࡋ 270 mm Drawer! ᘕఏ Inner Drawer ϣᘕఏ Pull-out ଯᘕఏ Inner Pull-out ϣଯᘕఏ M height (Mଯᘕఏ) 30kg 65kg 350 mm 450 mm 400 mm 500 mm 500 mm D height (Dଯᘕఏ) - BOXCOVER (ଛක݈Ԍዸ) [glass is excluded όхࡴ࣒ዟ] Pull-out ଯᘕఏ Inner Pull-out ϣଯᘕఏ D height (Dଯᘕఏ) - BOXCAP (ଛуଯୁ݈) Front Piece ϣᘕఏय़݈ 1,036mm Size = inner cabinet width - 132mm ܌ሡЁκ = ᘕᡏϣᗡ - 132mm Cross Gallery ϣᘕఏᐉ 1,046mm Size = inner cabinet width - 122mm ܌ሡЁκ = ᘕᡏϣᗡ - 122mm ______pc ༧ (8479022) ______pc ҹ (8473392) Ver: 201912 Page 4 @1&2 @1&2 @1&2 @1&2 @1&2 @1&2 @1&2 @1&2 @1&2 @1 @1 @2 @1 @1 @1 @1 @1 ______set (35000040) ______set (35000074) ______set (3708537) ______set (7158929) ______set (9303445) ______set (5920305) ______set (35000082) ______set (35000091) ______set (35000104) ______set (35000112) ______set (35000121) ______set (35000139) ______set (2893718) ______set (7145173) ______set (1816080) ______set (35000040) (6367645) ______set (35000074) (6367645) ______set (3708537) (6367645) ______set (7158929) (6367645) ______set (9303445) (6367645) ______set (5920305) (6367645) ______set (35000082) (3322565) ______set (35000091) (3322565) ______set (35000104) (3322565) ______set (35000112) (3322565) ______set (35000121) (3322565) ______set (35000139) (3322565) ______set (2893718) (3322565) ______set (7145173) (3322565) ______set (1816080) (3322565) TO1 TO2 TO3 TO4 TO5 TO6
474 424 42 280 64 303 424 474 474 474 42 291 64 424 42 200 64 223 424 474 42 377 64 400 424 42 297 64 320 474 424 474 42 103 64 126 Inner Dividing Systems ϣϩ႖ س ӈ : ORGA-LINE for TANDEMBOX intivo OL1 OL2 OL3 OL4 OL5 OL6 OL13 Nominal length ᘕఏు ࡋ Nominal length ᘕఏు ࡋ 450mm 450mm 500mm 500mm _______set (3189131) ___pc ҹ (1366848) _______pc ҹ (6484600) _______pc ҹ (9152980) _______pc ҹ (9152810) _______pc ҹ (6700230) _______pc ҹ (6700070) _______pc ҹ (6701630) _______pc ҹ (3777170) _______pc ҹ (6908650) _______pc ҹ (3695280) _______pc ҹ (3776500) _______pc ҹ (3777090) _______pc ҹ (3696680) _______pc ҹ (3866940) _______pc ҹ (6742800) _______pc ҹ (6715400) _______pc ҹ (6698150) _______pc ҹ (6700580) BI1 set BI3 set FI3 set KI2 set KI4 set MI3 set VEI set Cabinet width 600mm ᘕᡏᗡ ࡋ 600mm Stacking height of plates ᅷଯ ࡋ : 170mm Plate Diameter ᅷ ޔ ৩: 186 - 322mm Plate holder ᅷዬ Spice holder ፓ ښ ᐅࢎ Film dispenser ߥ ᗲરࢎ Foil dispenser ᒴરࢎ Knife holder Θࢎ 312mm (W) 120mm (H) 170mm (D) Bottle set ᐅࢎး _______set (1348502) Divider set ϩ႖ҹး 500mm 500mm 450mm _______set (8508525) _______set (5324148) Including 3 lateral dividers per set х֖3༧㻌႖݈ 1,077mm cross divider for cutting to size 1,077mm ߏ ݈ ٮ Ϫപ ࣁӝᐉ႖݈ Company Name 公司名稱: __________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person 聯絡人: _____________________Tel. 電話: _____________ Email 電郵: ________________________ Size = inner cabinet width - 91mm ܌ሡЁκ = ᘕᡏϣᗡ - 91mm 1,077mm cross divider for cutting to size 1,077mm ߏ ݈ ٮ Ϫപࣁӝᐉ႖݈ Size = 177mm@ ܌ሡЁκ = 177mm@ 2 pcs per set 1 ٿ ҹ 424 OL7 OL8 OL9 OL14 OL15 OL16 OL10 OL11 OL12 OL17 OL18 OL19 OL20 OL21 OL22 Ver: 201912 Page 5
TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ TOB ver. ހ ҁ 1,080mm 1,043mm Box systems ᘕఏ س ӈ : LEGRABOX (Orion Grey) Company Name 公司名稱: ________________________________________________ PA No. 號碼:_______________ Contact Person 聯絡人: ____________________ Tel. 電話: _____________ Email 電郵: ________________________ Loading Capacity ॄख़ Nominal Length ᘕఏు ࡋ Drawer! ᘕఏ Inner Drawer ϣᘕఏ Pull-out ଯᘕఏ Inner Pull-out ϣଯᘕఏ M height (Mଯᘕఏ) 40kg 70kg 350 mm 500 mm 450 mm 450 mm 500 mm C height (Cଯᘕఏ) Pull-out ଯᘕఏ F height (Fଯᘕఏ) Front Piece ϣᘕఏय़݈ Cross Gallery ϣᘕఏᐉ Size = inner cabinet width - 126mm ܌ሡЁκ = ᘕᡏϣᗡ - 126mm ______pc ༧ (5897587) ______pc ҹ (3359148) ^1&2 ^1&2 ^1&2 ^1&2 ^1&2 ^1 ^1 ^2 ^1 ^1 ______set (6148520) ______set (7416046) ______set (2228538) ______set (2733283) ______set (1651540) ______set (6904136) ______set (3691134) ______set (6148513) ______set (9153879) (7285674) ______set (9096837) (8427950) ______set (9153879) (1496916) ______set (6148520) (5156741) ______set (7416046) (5156741) ______set (2228538) (5156741) ______set (2733283) (3868654) ______set (1651540) (3868654) ______set (6904136) (3868654) ______set (3691134) (3868654) ______set (6148513) (3868654) ______set (9096837) (9651499) ______set (7312634) ______set (2034849) ______set (5392787) ^1 ^1 ^1 ______set (7312634) (5156741) ______set (2034849) (5156741) ______set (5392787) (5156741) ______set (6966138) ______set (4020941) ______set (8497282) ______set (9455557) ______set (1606858) ^1&2 ^1&2 ^1&2 ^1&2 ^1&2 ______set (6966138) (3868654) ______set (4020941) (3868654) ______set (8497282) (3868654) ______set (9455557) (3868654) ______set (1606858) (3868654) LP1 LP5 TIP-ON BLUMOTION (“TOB ver.”) is only available for the one who has completed the TOB training courses. TIP-ON BLUMOTION (“TOB ހ ҁ”) ѝග ๏ٮ ֹԋ TOB ૽ፐำϐ៝࠼Ƕ LP2 LP3 LP4 Ver: 201912 Page 6 Size = inner cabinet width - 90mm ܌ሡЁκ = ᘕᡏϣᗡ - 90mm #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 #1 TOB Synchroisation Linkage TOB ӕೱௗ ______pc ҹ (2101757) Size = inner cabinet width - 247mm ܌ሡЁκ = ᘕᡏϣᗡ - 247mm 1,125mm
Company Name 公司名稱: __________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person 聯絡人: _____________________Tel. 電話: _____________ Email 電郵: ________________________ Inner Dividing Systems ϣϩ႖ س ӈ : AMBIA-LINE for LEGRABOX pure AL1 AL2 AL3 AL6 AL7 AL8 AL9 AL10 AL11 AL4 AL5 Dispenser ߥ ᗲરϷᒴરࢎ Bottle set ᐅࢎಔҹ Spice holder ፓ ښ ᐅࢎ Knife holder Θࢎ Plate holder ᅷዬ _______pc ҹ (5952958) 187mm 409mm Install together with AL8 or AL11 ᆶ!AL8 ܈!AL11 ٳ Ӽး Install together with AL8 or AL11 ᆶ!AL8 ܈!AL11 ٳ Ӽး _______pc ҹ (9809820) 409mm 187mm _______pc ҹ (1366848) Stacking height of plates ᅷଯ ࡋ : 170mm Plate Diameter ᅷ ޔ ৩: 186 - 322mm _______pc ҹ (8058240) 205mm 356mm 200mm _______set (4250192) Install together with AL8 or AL11 ᆶ!AL8 ܈!AL11 ٳ Ӽး AL12 AL13 AL14 450mm 500mm M height (Mଯᘕఏ) C or F height (C ܈ Fଯᘕఏ) _______pc ҹ (9653503) _______pc ҹ (3560959) _______pc ҹ (2903985) _______pc ҹ (4497947) _______pc ҹ (8693820) _______pc ҹ (4595319) 300mm (W) 100mm (W) 200mm (W) 300mm (W) 100mm (W) 200mm (W) Cutlery insert Θΰዬ Drawer frame ໔႖ࢎ Drawer frame ໔႖ࢎ Drawer frame ໔႖ࢎ Drawer frame ໔႖ࢎ Cutlery insert Θΰዬ Drawer frame + Adapter profile ໔႖ࢎး Drawer frame + Adapter profile ໔႖ࢎး Drawer frame + Adapter profile ໔႖ࢎး (1392076) _______set (3486858) + 272mm (L) x 242mm (W) 242mm (W) 50mm (H) (7830344) _______set (2258290) + 270mm (L) x 242mm (W) 110mm (H) 218mm (W) (7649432) _______set (2258290) + 218mm (W) 370mm (L) x 218mm (W) 110mm (H) SERVO-DRIVE ႝଛ (for drawer ٮ ᘕఏҔ) Horizontal cross member ᘕഗۭ݈Ӽး Vertical cross member ᘕङۭ݈Ӽး Attachment bracket ଛ ۓڰ ࢎӼး Cabinet height ᘕଯ = (LH) BP2 BP4 BT1 BT2 DO1 DO2 TR1 TR2 TR3 ________set (9219178) LH > 720mm /+ PP Cabinet height ᘕଯ = (LH) ________set (4821474) LH > 720mm /+ PP 1 tier ൂቫ 2 tier ᚈቫ _______set (1111362) _______set (2600082) ________pc ঁ (6970029) Drive unit း ________pc ಈ (7402930) Distance bumper ፂ༞ Install 4 pcs if: using 70kg LEGRABOX or 65kg TANDEBOX runner and/ or front height > 300mm Ӽး4ಈӵ: ٬Ҕ70kg LEGRABOX܈65kg TANDEMBOX ၡॉ!Ϸ0܈ ᘕఏ ߐ ݈ଯ ࡋ > 300mm ________set (1473098) Transformer ОФ (72W, 24V) Base fixing ۭ݈Ӽး Transformer ОФ (72W, 24V) Panel fixing ङ݈Ӽး ________set (9916958) ________set (5515672) 6m Cable set 6ԯႝጕး Ver: 201912 Page 7 Install together with AL14 ᆶ!AL14 ٳ Ӽး