Ban le tich hQ'p giam chan I Integrated BLUMOTION hinge E>e ban le I Mounting plate 173L6100 7480175 Dii ch 0, thi)p I Cruciform J 173H7100 8748653 ot; chO, th.,ip, c6 dit'lu chinh chit'lu cao Cruciform, height adjustment 1 cai I pc 175H3100 5891994 DI; lh~ng, c6 dieu chinh chieu cao Straight, height adjustment 173H7130 2364103 0@ chO, th(lp cho ban le g6c mu, c6 dieu chinh chieu cao Cruciform plate for blind corner hinge, clip-on, height adjustment Nap ban le I Cover cap 107° ' 95° 70.1503.BP 3445333 Cho lay ban Iii !rum hiit 107", 95° For full overlay hinge arm 107", 95° 70.1663.BP L 8031633 Cho lay ban Iii !rum nO,a & lot long, ben trai 107", 95° For half overlay and inset hinge arm, left 107", 95° q 1 cailpc 70.1663.BP R 2872593 Cho lay ban Iii !rum nO,a & I9I long, ben phai 107", 95° ' For half overlay and inset hinge arm, right 107", 95° 70T3504 9003173 Cho chem ban le 107°, 95° For hinge boss 107°, 95° 155° V 70.4503.BP 5533954 Cho lay ban le 155° For hinge arm 155° 1 cailpc 70T7504 1316548 Cho chen ban Iii 155° For hinge boss 155° 110° CRISTALLO - Canh kinh/gll'ang I Glass/mirror; 110° EXPANDO T -Canh mong I Thin front 70.4503.BP 5533954 70T4504 9086485 Nern nhan m6' I TIP-ON 956A1006 8090760 956A1201 1743112 Cho lay ban Iii kinh CRISTALLO, EXPANDO T For hinge arm CRISTALLO, EXPANDO T Cho chen ban le EXPANDO T For hinge boss EXPANDO T TIP-ON dai c6 di:iu cao su, dung cho ban Iii b.,it, khong ci:in them vong silt Long version TIP-ON with bumper, for regular hinges, no catch plated required Dii cho TIP-ON dai Adapter plate for TIP-ON long version 1 cailpc 1 cailpc ml 6.500 16.000 17.000 19.000 3.000 3.500 3.500 4.500 3.000 4.500 3.000 4.500 135.000 30.000 The above prices are officially suggested by Blum Vietnam Co., Lid and do not include VAT, currency unit is VND. All prices are subject to change without prior notice. 23 ·· -- --