Blum Vietnam - Price list 2024-2025

Ve cong ty Blum About Blum La thLI'ang hii)u ciU'gc thanh l�p ter nam 1952 t<1i Ao, Blum ll,I' hao la nha san xuat hang ciau the gi&i v&i han 70 nilm kinh nghii)m trong linh Vl,l'C phv kii)n ni)i that v&i 03 dong san pham chien IU'gc: hi) thOng lay nang, hi) thOng ngiln keo, hi) thOng ban le. Blum cia c6 mi;it tren han 120 qu6c gia v&i gan 9.000 nhan vien va s& hO,u han 2.000 giay phep phat minh nhO,ng cong nghi) sang t<10 cho phv kii)n nha bep va tu ni)i that Iran loan the gi&i. Toan bi) san pham Blum phan phOi chinh hang t<1i Vii)! Nam ciU'Q'C san xuat va nhap khau lrl,l'c tiep !Cr Chau Au. Founded in 1952 in Austria, Blum is proud to be the leading manufacturer in the world with over 70 years of experience in the field of furniture fittings with 03 strategic product lines: lift systems, runner systems, hinge systems. Blum has marked its presence in 120 countries with nearly 9,000 employees and owned 2,000 licenses of invention of advance technologies for kitchen and furniture cabinets around the world. All authentic distributed Blum products in Vietnam are manufactured and imported directly from Europe. M1,1c I1,ic I Content Im 4 5 H' th6ng lay nang AVENTOS I AVENTOS lift systems Thong tin chung I General information 6 8 10 12 14 16 17 18 21 AVENTOS HF AVENTOS HS AVENTOS HL AVENTOS HK top AVENTOS HK-XS H' th6ng ban lli tu I Hinge systems Thong tin chung I General information Ban le cho ni;li that t6i mau I Hinges in onyx black Ban Iii tich hgp giam chan I Integrated BLUMOTION hinge (CLIP top BLUMOTION) 24 Ban Iii khong giam chan I Sprung hinge (CLIP top & CLIP) 26 Ban le khong b�t I Unsprung hinge 28 TIP-ON 29 MODUL & Phv ki,n ci(ic bi,t I MODUL hinge & Special accessories 30 H' thOng ray trll'Q'I: ngan keo I Runner systems 32 TANDEM 34 MOVENTO 36 Kh6a kl') keo I Pull-out shelf lock 38 H9 th6ng ray hi;lp I Box systems 40 MERIVOBOX 44 Tuy chon them cho MERIVOBOX I Optional for MERIVOBOX 46 LEGRABOX 55 Tuy chon them cho LEGRABOX I Optional for LEGRABOX 56 Ray hi;lp c6 thiet ke d�c bitt I Special drawer applications 57 SPACE CORNER 58 SPACE TWIN 60 Sink drawer 62 SPACE TOWER 64 SPACE STEP 66 SERVO-DRIVE cho ngan keo I SERVO-DRIVE for drawers 69 Di,mg C\J lam bep I Kitchen accessories 72 H' thOng phan chia ben trong ngan keo Inner dividing systems 83 Thong tin tham khao I Reference information 91 Nhii>ng IIJ'u y khi v9 sinh ph\J ki9n Blum How to clean Blum fittings properly 91 Chinh sach bao hanh I Warranty policy 92 Chll'O'ng trinh dao vii hwng dan each lip d�t ph1,1 ki,n Blum I Blum's training programme 93 U'ng d1,1ng ho trg lip di;it I EASY ASSEMBLY app 94 Ph11 h,1c I Appendix 95 Mua hang Blum t.ii dau? I Where to purchase Blum product? The above prices are officially suggested by Blum Vietnam Co., Ltd and do not include VAT, currency unit is VND. All prices are subject to change without prior notice. 3