Catalogue and technical manual 2024-2025

463 4 〉 Runner systems 〉 SERVO-DRIVE for MOVENTO | TANDEM 〉 Overview Catalogue 2024/2025 Runner systems Runner systems 408 MOVENTO 410 TANDEM 430 Applications Standard cabinet 464 SPACE TOWER 470 Sink cabinet 476 Two drawers with a continuous front 480 Cabinet with dif ferent drawer depths | inner drawer 484 Cabinet with individual drawer 490 Cabinet with inset fronts 494 Accessories Cable holder 500 Synchronisation cable 500 Assembly, removal and adjustment Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL Machine directive 711 Detailed information on the Machine Directive Short URL Pictograph Item available on request Web code – click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image SERVO -DRIVE uno for bot tom mount waste bin solutions 498 COMBOX set 500 4