Catalogue and technical manual 2024-2025

706 9 〉 Blum services 〉 Templates 〉 Special templates Catalogue 2024/2025 Cutting-to-size template for CABLOXX Assembly options Fur ther products Reference pages Over view – templates 662 Over view – assembly options 664 Order information Assembly options Further products Further products Further products 9 ▬ Template for cut ting the locking bar, spacers and synchronisation linkage to size ▬ Template for pre-drilling or drilling the end cap and at tachment for synchronisation ▬ Template for cut ting the synchronisation linkages (TIP-ON BLUMOTION and side stabiliser) to size Cutting locking bar and synchronisation linkage to size ▬ Cut locking bar and synchronisation linkage to the desired size using saw Cutting the synchronisation linkages (TIP-ON BLUMOTION and side stabiliser) to size ▬ Cut synchronisation linkage (TIP-ON BLUMOTION and side stabiliser) to the desired size using saw Cut spacer to size ▬ Cut spacer to desired size using supplied flat chisel and hammer Drilling end cap, synchronisation section ▬ Place locking bar in template and drill Ø 5 mm hole for at taching the end cap in the locking bar ▬ Position template in cabinet and pre-drill Ø 2.5 mm hole for synchronisation section Symbolic image Description Part no. Cut ting-to-size template for CABLOXX 65.0801 Consisting of: – 1 x Cut ting-to-size template for CABLOXX