Catalogue and technical manual 2024-2025

Catalogue and technical manual 2024/2025

① ② ③ Your shortcut to the Internet Catalogue 2024/2025 Web code Product Configurator Product Configurator Short URL Application video Short URL Example Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQBQ2M Short URL Example Help with planning and ordering Short URL QR code Example Application video Short URL The shor t web address makes it easier for you to access fur ther product information, such as installation instructions that you can print out, brochures and technical data. Directly access information about assembly and indepth content about Blum products via the QR code – even when on-site with the customer. We have linked our catalogue with our online world, making comprehensive and up-to-date product information available for you to use at any time. You are just one step away from the product page in the catalogue to our digital services. You can use the web codes to go straight to the respective product in the Product Configurator. This ensures that you will quickly and easily receive planning information and checked par ts lists for your direct order from the distributor, as well as so much more. You will find short URLs and QR codes for our products in the catalogue. These will take you directly to our detailed digital information, e.g. the Design Selector, information about assembly, removal and adjustment, application videos and/or the Machinery Directive. By entering web codes from the catalogue in the Blum Product Configurator, you can access not only the par ts list but also all the manufacturing data consisting of drawings, 2D/3D-CAD data or CAM data that can be transferred directly to your design sof tware or CNC machine. You can manage our checked par ts lists in projects | Jobs and transfer this directly to the web shop of selected distributors in just a few clicks. ① Enter or click the web code Enter the web code in the Blum Product Configurator or click the web code in the PDF. ② Configure fit ting Using the web codes, the most impor tant filters are already pre-set in the Product Configurator – you can configure the complete application in just a few clicks. ③ Display the par ts list When complete, you receive a finished par ts list and can transmit it to the web shop of a selected distributor in just one click.

1 〉 Lift systems 1 2 〉 Hinge systems 2 3 〉 Box systems 3 4 〉 Runner systems 4 5 〉 Pocket systems 5 6 〉 Inner dividing systems 6 7 〉 Motion technologies 7 8 〉 Further products 8 9 〉 Blum services 9 10 〉 Information 10 Information about motion technologies 732 Information about pocket systems 730 Over view 11 AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lif t 12 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lif t system 20 AVENTOS HS top – up and over lif t system 32 AVENTOS HL top – lif t up 38 AVENTOS HK top – stay lif t 44 AVENTOS HK-S – stay lif t 54 AVENTOS HK-XS – stay lif t 60 Standard SERVO-DRIVE TIP-ON Over view 71 CLIP top BLUMOTION | CLIP top – hinges 72 Tool-free CLIP assembly MODUL – hinges 162 Slide-on assembly BLUMOTION for doors 176 TIP-ON for doors 190 Over view 194 LEGRABOX 196 MERIVOBOX 250 TANDEMBOX antaro 290 TANDEMBOX plus 336 METABOX 338 SERVO-DRIVE for LEGRABOX | MERIVOBOX | TANDEMBOX 362 TIP-ON BLUMOTION for LEGRABOX | MERIVOBOX | TANDEMBOX 394 TIP-ON for LEGRABOX 404 Over view 409 MOVENTO 410 TANDEM 430 SERVO-DRIVE for MOVENTO | TANDEM 462 TIP-ON BLUMOTION for MOVENTO 502 TIP-ON for MOVENTO | TANDEM 506 Over view 533 REVEGO 534 Over view 541 AMBIA-LINE for LEGRABOX | MERIVOBOX 542 AMBIA-LINE kitchen accessories 552 ORGA-LINE for TANDEMBOX 554 ORGA-LINE kitchen accessories 566 Over view 571 SERVO-DRIVE single applications 574 Over view 585 Cabinet applications 586 SPACE STEP Locking systems 594 CABLOXX Fixing systems 596 EXPANDO T Wall hanging bracket 598 Cabinet connectors 599 Over view 603 Digital ser vices 604 Machinery 616 MINIPRESS top | MINIPRESS P Assembly devices 654 BOXFIX Templates 660 Over view 709 General Information 710 Information about lif t systems 716 Information about hinge systems 718 Information about box and runner systems 724 Par t No. Index 734

1 Catalogue 2024/2025 When good ideas become the very best. You have ideas. So do we. Let ’s put our heads together and turn these ideas into more. Together, we can br ing your vision to life. Blum is the r ight par tner for the job. Because we of fer innovative products of the highest qualit y and a range to suit ever y need. Plus comprehensive ser vices that give you the best possible suppor t dur ing planning and implementation. So your project is a success from star t to finish.

2 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top | HS top | HL top | HK top Catalogue 2024/2025 Reference pages Lif t systems 10 Short URL AVENTOS top – lif t systems for master ful st aging AVENTOS top l i f t systems not only impress wi th a compac t, modern design but also of fer many other advantages, inc luding fewer component s, standardised f ixing posi t ions for l i f t mechanisms and front f ixing bracket s regardless of cabinet height, adapt ive BLUMOTION sof t- c lose set t ing and l i f t mechanism adjustment from the front. Al l these aspec t s simp l i f y the manufac tur ing and assemb ly of AVENTOS top. Uniform cover cap design for a harmonious aesthet ic The st yl ishly designed f i t t ings can be used to produce exc i t ing inter ior s: the l i f t mechanisms are concealed behind elegant cover caps in three colour s. Truly mult i - t alented thanks to integrated funct ions Many features have been integrated into AVENTOS top to make manufac tur ing and assemb ly easier. For examp le, you dec i de how you want the l i f t mechanism instal led. You can choose to use pre -mounted system screws or the integrated posi t ioning system and chipboard screws. A sophist icated ensemble thanks to a compact range The new l i f t systems take up ver y l i t t le space in your warehouse. AVENTOS top is designed so that you only require a few component s, but st il l have comp lete design freedom.

3 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HKi Catalogue 2024/2025 Reference pages AVENTOS HKi 12 Short URL AVENTOS HKi – the integrated st ay lif t system Thanks to i t s compac t and sl im design, AVENTOS HKi can be ful ly integrated into the cabinet si de. The stay l i f t f i t t ing b lends seamlessly into the furni ture and enab les new design possibil i t ies wi th high aesthet ic qual i t y. You receive pure furni ture wi th comp lete design freedom. Visible elegance with invisible refinements AVENTOS HKi b lends into the furni ture, no mat ter which t ype of front you choose. The f i t t ing is invisib le when c losed, even when used for wal l cabinet front s wi th glass inser t s. When open, lever arms emerge in elegant ony x b lack. Ergonomics combined with high - tech The AVENTOS HKi technology is concealed in the si de panel, yet st il l gives total control: l i f t mechanism adjustment from the front, integrated opening angle stop and var iab le stop. This enab les ful l freedom of movement and easy ac cess to storage i tems. A whole world full of oppor tunit ies AVENTOS HKi is so nar row that the f i t t ing can be used in a cabinet si de just 16 mm thick. And when i t comes to the front s, your design possibil i t ies are l imi t less.

4 Catalogue 2024/2025 REVEGO Pocket systems for new space concepts

5 5 〉 Pocket systems 〉 REVEGO Catalogue 2024/2025 Reference pages REVEGO 532 Short URL Ef ficient manufacturing thanks to pre - assembly and digit al ser vices The wel l -thought- out pocket construc t ion means REVEGO can be pre -assemb led in the wor kshop or p lant. This provi des excel lent protec t ion dur ing transpor t to the end user – and is both ef f ic ient and prac t ical. The Produc t Conf igurator fac il i tates produc t selec t ion and provi des checked par t s l ist s, planning informat ion and CAD data. The ult imate in convenience REVEGO is so simp le to imp lement that you might not real ise the comp lexi t y that l ies wi thin the innovat ive f i t t ings solut ion. Thanks to TIP- ON mot ion technology, user s can open and c lose the large front s wi th a single touch – no handle required. A wide variet y of unique design and combinat ion opt ions REVEGO gives you ma ximum design freedom and inspires new approaches to p lanning room layout s. REVEGO uno and REVEGO duo can be combined i f required, but also func t ion independent ly. Whether i t ’s used in large or smal l spaces, REVEGO let s you imp lement solut ions wi th internal cabinetr y as wel l as walk- in app l icat ions throughout the home. Quick and easy on - site inst allat ion REVEGO pocket systems fac il i tate fast assemb ly and easy instal lat ion, so REVEGO can be f i t ted quick ly and simp ly l ike any standard tal l cabinet. The 3 - dimensional adjustment features are easily ac cessib le and intui t ive to use.

6 Catalogue 2024/2025 Blum services Your key to greater efficiency What ’s the key to suc cessful ly imp lement ing your projec t s? One fac tor is our high- qual i t y produc t s, and the other is the ser vices we provi de for them. They’re prec isely tailored to your needs along ever y step of your process chain, al lowing you to wor k more ef f ic ient ly and therefore save t ime.

7 9 〉 Blum services Catalogue 2024/2025 Reference pages Blum ser vices 602 Short URL Personal ser vices Direc t contac t wi th you is impor tant to us. Thanks to advice, suppor t and training, you wil l be ver y wel l - informed about our produc t s and ser vices. We are happy to provi de you wi th indivi dual and per sonal answer s to any of your quest ions. Digit al ser vices Our E-SERVICES suppor t you onl ine – at any t ime, wherever you are. They gui de you through one or more process steps, or throughout your ent ire process chain. You can therefore wor k more ef f ic ient ly and achieve the resul t you want faster. Logist ics ser vices We ensure that your produc t del iver ies ar r ive in ful l and on t ime. If required, we can analyse and improve your order ing process and /or inventor y management system and develop tailored packaging. Always wi th per sonal advice. Machiner y | Assembly devices | Templates We make get t ing to gr ips wi th our produc t s easy, ef f ic ient and prec ise. There is a prac t ical tool for ever y process step – be i t a dr il l ing and inser t ion machine, an assemb ly device or a temp late or j ig. Communicat ion ser vices We provi de you wi th al l the necessar y mater ials – from images, vi deos and tex t s to brochures and data sheet s. We also provi de instal lat ion instruc t ions and f ilms. Plus, ever y thing is spec i f ic to your mar ket – in more than 40 languages.

8 Catalogue 2024/2025 Nail technology Up to 40% faster assembly

9 9 〉 Blum services 〉 Assembly devices Catalogue 2024/2025 Reference pages Assembly devices 654 Short URL BOXFIX plus – nails instead of screws! Quick and ef f ic ient manufac tur ing processes go a long way to suc cess. That ’s why Blum always provi des a sui tab le package of assemb ly devices to go wi th i t s f i t t ings. And our range of assemb ly ai ds is being ex tended al l the t ime. The latest addi t ion is our new BOXFIX plus assemb ly device wi th nail technology for Blum box systems. Ef ficiency An air nailer dr ives the nails through the metal direc t ly into the chipboard back and drawer base. Pre - dr il l ing is no longer required, and there’s no need to set stops thanks to pneumat ic c lamping. This reduces your assemb ly t ime by as much as 40%. Qualit y Nail ing creates a f lush seamless joint bet ween the f i t t ings and wooden par t s. You also have the opt ion of using BOXFIX plus and screws for assemb ly.

10 1 〉 Lift systems Catalogue 2024/2025 1 SERVO -DRIVE, the electrical motion suppor t system for AVENTOS HF top, HS top, HL top and HK top. TIP-ON, the mechanical opening suppor t system for AVENTOS HKi, HK top, HK-S and HK-XS. AVENTOS HKi blends into the furniture – the fitting is invisible when closed, even with glass fronts. AVENTOS HS top does not require a cross stabiliser even with large cabinet widths, allowing for all the storage space to be used. AVENTOS lif t systems deliver enhanced convenience to wall cabinets. Even wide fronts open with ease, hold in any position desired and close sof tly and effor tlessly with sof t-close BLUMOTION. ▬ Quick, easy assembly and removal due to CLIP technology ▬ Easy, 3-dimensional front adjustment ▬ Per fectly balanced – fronts remain in any desired position ▬ No protruding par ts ▬ Optimised ergonomic handle position ▬ BLUMOTION – for sof t and effor tless closing ▬ SERVO -DRIVE – the electrical motion suppor t system ▬ TIP-ON – mechanical opening suppor t

11 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 Overview Catalogue 2024/2025 AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lift AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lif t 12 Over view 13 Standard | TIP-ON 14 Accessories 17 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lif t system 20 Over view 21 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE 22 Accessories 30 AVENTOS HS top – up and over lift system AVENTOS HS top – up and over lif t system 32 Over view 33 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE 34 AVENTOS HL top – lift up AVENTOS HL top – lif t up 38 Over view 39 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE 40 AVENTOS HK top – stay lift AVENTOS HK top – stay lif t 44 Over view 45 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE 46 TIP-ON 50 Accessories 53 AVENTOS HK-S – stay lift AVENTOS HK-S – stay lif t 54 Over view 55 Standard | TIP-ON 56 Accessories 59 AVENTOS HK-XS – stay lift AVENTOS HK-XS – stay lif t 60 Over view 61 Standard | TIP-ON 62 Accessories 67 Accessories Screws 68 Centre bit 68 Door buf fer 68 Screwdriver 69 Cross slot bit 69 AVENTOS HF top | HS top | HL top | HK top – Custom designs Mitred and rebated designs as well as inset fronts Short URL Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image 1

12 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lift Catalogue 2024/2025 Nothing less than everything New furniture designs with high aesthetic quality A wide variety of manufacturing options, tailored to your needs 1 Invisible when closed, the lever arms appear in elegant onyx black when open. AVENTOS HKi combines ergonomics with pure design. Modernise furniture with fronts or back panels made of glass. The cover cap conceals the milledin lif t mechanism of the semi-integrated solution. The MDF raw boards set already has the central recess for AVENTOS HKi. We have developed routing templates for machining work involving a router. Use a CNC machine to sur face mill the half cabinet sides and then glue them together. The spacer set serves as transpor t and machining protection. Due to its compact and narrow design, AVENTOS HKi can be fully integrated into the cabinet side. The stay lif t fitting blends seamlessly into the furniture and opens up new design possibilities with high aesthetic quality. You receive pure furniture with complete design freedom: nothing less than everything. ▬ Cabinet height KH max. 600 mm ▬ Cabinet width KB up to 1800 mm ▬ Cabinet side panel thickness SWD from 16 mm ▬ BLUMOTION – for sof t and effor tless closing ▬ TIP-ON – mechanical opening suppor t ▬ All exposed par ts in onyx black ▬ Integrated safety mechanism ▬ 3-dimensional front adjustment ▬ Available fully integrated and semi-integrated ▬ No hinges are necessary

13 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lift 〉 Overview Catalogue 2024/2025 Applications Page Web code Standard | TIP-ON Wooden fronts, wide and narrow alu frames DQDW6P 14 TIP-ON 956. – shor t version with magnet 16 Accessories Adapter plates 17 Raw boards set 18 Spacer set 18 Recess drill 18 Routing template set 18 Copy router 18 Cut ting inser t set 18 Screws 68 Centre bit 68 Door buf fer 68 Screwdriver 69 Cross slot bit 69 Assembly, removal and adjustment Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL Pictograph Item available on request Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator 1 Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image

6a 7 1 4 3b 6b 6c 3c 14 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lift 〉 Standard | TIP-ON Catalogue 2024/2025 Wooden fronts, wide and narrow alu frames Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQDW6P Power factor LF Cabinet height KH (mm) x front weight FG incl. double handle weight (kg) When using a third lif t mechanism (a power factor increase of up to 50 %), we recommend a trial application Note We recommend an additional lif t mechanism at tached to the centre panel for wide cabinets. The reason for this is to prevent the front from sagging when open. Order information Standard TIP-ON 1 Lift mechanism set Power factor LF Opening angle OW1 Colour Part no. 420 –1610 107° ONS 24K2300 930 –2800 24K2500 1730 – 5200 24K2700 2600 –7800 24K2800 Consisting of: 1 2 x Lif t mechanism (symmetrical) Note Max. front weight: 18 kg for t wo lif t mechanisms 1 Infinitely variable set ting 1 Lift mechanism set – TIP-ON Power factor LF Opening angle OW1 Colour Part no. 420 –1610 107° ONS 24K2300T 930 –2800 24K2500T 1730 – 5200 24K2700T 2600 –7800 24K2800T Consisting of: 1 2 x Lif t mechanism (symmetrical) Note Max. front weight: 18 kg for t wo lif t mechanisms 1 Infinitely variable set ting 3 Cover cap set Colour Material Part no. SW | HGR | TGR Nylon 24K8000 Consisting of: 3a 1 x Cover cap lef t 3b 1 x Cover cap right 3c 2 x Branding element, stamped with Blum logo IN-G Note Required when fit ting semi-integrated lif t mechanisms only! 4 Front fixing bracket Version Fixing method Colour Part no. Wooden fronts EXPANDO ONS 2 x 24K42E1 Width and narrow alu frames Screw-on 2 x 24K4201A Consisting of: 4 1 x Front fixing bracket Accessories 7 Adapter plate Version Colour Part no. Straight adapter plate – Shor t version SW | R7036 | NI-L | CS 956.1201 Cruciform adapter plate – Extended version R7036 956A1501 Colour Colour HGR Light grey R7036 RAL 7036 platinum grey SW Silk white NI-L Nickel lacquered TGR Dark grey IN-G In-mould brushed stainless steel CS Carbon black 6 TIP-ON 956. – short version with magnet Cabinet height KH (mm) Colour Part no. Up to 600 SW | R7036 | CS 956.1004 Consisting of: 6a 1 x TIP-ON 956. – shor t version with magnet 6b 1 x Screw-on catch plate 6c 1 x Self-adhesive catch plate Not suitable for powder-coated, waxed or oiled sur faces – 1 x Chipboard screws Ø 3.5 x 15 mm, par t no. 609.1500 1 ▬ Cabinet height KH max. 600 mm ▬ Cabinet width KB up to 1800 mm ▬ Cabinet side panel thickness SWD 16 –25 mm ▬ Blends discreetly into tall units and wall cabinets ▬ Available fully integrated and semi-integrated ▬ BLUMOTION – for sof t and ef for tless closing ▬ TIP-ON – mechanical opening suppor t ▬ Maximum functionality within the smallest space ▬ Per fect motion with a variable stop ▬ Integrated safety mechanism ▬ Easy assembly and adjustment ▬ Simple, infinitely variable lif t mechanism ▬ Integrated variable opening angle stop

21 265± 1 R25 12 min 16 120 +0.5 – 0 +1 – 0 21 265 120 R25 12 min 16 ± 1 +0.5 – 0 +1 – 0 5.7 SOB 128 268 5 12 Ø 53.5 – Fo 32 32 *SFA – SWD/2 **SFA – 6 ** ** * ** ** * 32 32 53.5 – Fo *SFA – SWD/2 **SFA – 6 x Ø 2.0 (x ≤ 1.8 mm) Ø 2.2 (x > 1.8 mm) SOB FD Y max A FH Z OW MF 15 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lift 〉 Standard | TIP-ON Catalogue 2024/2025 Wooden fronts, wide and narrow alu frames Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQDW6P Planning Recess and position – Fully integrated Can be combined with concealed wall hanging brackets only Internal cabinet depth LT min. 271 mm Recess and position – Semi-integrated Internal cabinet depth LT min. 271 mm Space requirement – Semi-integrated Can be combined with concealed wall hanging brackets only SOB Top panel thickness Front assembly – Wooden fronts Fo Top gap SFA Front overlay of the side panel SWD Cabinet side panel thickness Front assembly – Width and narrow alu frames Fo Top gap SFA Front overlay of the side panel SWD Cabinet side panel thickness Space requirement – Cornice | crown Opening angle stop Space requirement (mm) Without At max. opening angle Y max. = FH x 0.29 – 32 + FD With A = FH x 0.26 + 28 – FD FD (mm) 16 18 19 20 22 26 Z (mm) 70 63 59 57 49 35 FD Front thickness FH Front height OW Opening angle SOB Top panel thickness Minimum gap MF MF Minimum gap 2 mm Reference pages Over view 13 Accessories – AVENTOS HKi 18 Accessories – General 68 Planning 15 Blum ser vices 602 Reference values for front weight FG (kg) 716 More technical details 708 Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL 1

= = 16 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lift 〉 TIP-ON Catalogue 2024/2025 TIP-ON 956. – short version with magnet Order information Planning () Screw-on catch plate Screw-on catch plate FAu FAu Bot tom front overlay * 3 mm of fset installation FAu Bot tom front overlay Reference pages Over view 13 Assembly Drilling template for BLUMOTION | TIP-ON 676 Positioning template for catch plate 698 Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL ▬ For stay lif ts up to a height of 600 mm ▬ For drilling or in combination with adapter plates ▬ Output path approx. 17 mm ▬ Set ting +4/–1 mm ▬ Material: nylon MINIPRESS top for EASYSTICK 622 MINIPRESS top 626 Colour TIP-ON piston Part no. SW | R7036 | CS Standard spring 956.1004 Consisting of: 1 x TIP-ON 956. – shor t version with magnet 1 x Screw-on catch plate 1 x Self-adhesive catch plate Not suitable for powder-coated, waxed or oiled sur faces 1 x Chipboard screws Ø 3.5 x 15 mm, par t no. 609.1500 Colour CS Carbon black R7036 RAL 7036 platinum grey SW Silk white Self-adhesive catch plate 1

17 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lift 〉 Accessories Catalogue 2024/2025 Straight adapter plate – Short version – 20/17 Order information Colour Material Part no. SW | R7036 | NI-L | CS Nylon 956.1201 Colour CS Carbon black NI-L Nickel lacquered R7036 RAL 7036 platinum grey SW Silk white Planning Front gap Catch plate 3* 8 FAu FAu 8 FAu Bot tom front overlay * 3 mm of fset installation Cruciform adapter plate – Extended version – 37/32 Order information Colour Material Part no. R7036 Nylon 956A1501 Planning Front gap Catch plate 3* 8 FAu 8 FAu Bot tom front overlay * 3 mm of fset installation Reference pages Over view 13 Assembly Template 674 Drilling template for mounting plates 675 Positioning template for catch plate 698 Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL ▬ Fixing with chipboard screws Ø 3.5 or Ø 4 mm ▬ Alternative assembly with system screws ▬ TIP-ON must be ordered separately ▬ Fixing with chipboard screws Ø 3.5 or Ø 4 mm ▬ Alternative assembly with system screws ▬ TIP-ON must be ordered separately MINIPRESS top for EASYSTICK 622 MINIPRESS top 626 MINIPRESS P 630 1

18 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lift 〉 Accessories Catalogue 2024/2025 Raw boards set Order information Description Part no. Raw boards set 24K7100 Consisting of: 2 x Raw boards Pre-routed 2 x Spacer Spacer set Order information Description Part no. Spacer set M45.1010 Consisting of: 2 x Spacer Recess drill Order information Description Diameter (mm) Part no. Recess drill Ø 4.0 M45. ZF04 Consisting of: 1 x Recess drill Routing template set Order information Description Part no. Routing template set 65.5840 Consisting of: 1 x Routing template for lif t mechanism 1 x Routing template for inser t panel 1 x Base plate Copy router Order information Description Diameter (mm) Part no. Copy router Ø 19.0 M45. ZF19 Consisting of: 1 x Copy router Cutting insert set Order information Description Part no. Cut ting inser t set M34. ZW50 Consisting of: 10 x Cut ting inser t 1 ▬ Full integration ▬ Pre-routed ▬ MDF raw boards 600 x 450 x 19 mm ▬ Moisture resistant ▬ Incl. spacers ▬ Full integration ▬ Fully or semi-integrated ▬ Routing template for lif t mechanism ▬ Routing template for inser t panel ▬ Base plate ▬ Fully or semi-integrated ▬ Ideal in combination with routing template set ▬ Fully or semi-integrated ▬ Replaceable cut ting inser ts for copy router ▬ Full integration

19 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HKi – integrated stay lift Catalogue 2024/2025 1

20 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system Catalogue 2024/2025 Lift system for large bi-fold fronts Enhanced opening and closing ease Advantages that will inspire both you and your customers No protruding parts Removable lever arm – an advantage for furniture manufacturing and kitchen installation. Fixing variants Two lif t mechanism fixing methods: choose between pre-mounted system screws or chipboard screws with integrated positioning system. The linear cover caps are identical for AVENTOS HF top | HS top | HL top – available in silk white, light grey and dark grey. In addition to classic variants, a wide variety of colour and material combinations are possible; even asymmetrical fronts can be used. Adjust the lif t mechanism precisely to the weight of the front FG and the front remains open in any position. The SERVO -DRIVE electrical opening suppor t system for AVENTOS HF top allows the front to open with ease and close at the press of a switch. Integrated opening angle stop An opening angle stop is already integrated in AVENTOS HF top and can be adjusted without tools. 1 The AVENTOS HF top has a two-par t front that folds in the centre when opening. The bifold lif t system is ideal for higher wall cabinets with large fronts because the handle remains easy to reach in any position. ▬ Cabinet height KH 480 –1200 mm ▬ Cabinet width KB up to 1800 mm ▬ Internal cabinet depth LT min. 264 mm ▬ Integrated BLUMOTION setting ▬ SERVO -DRIVE – the electrical motion suppor t system ▬ Variable stop ▬ Integrated opening angle stop ▬ Fixed position of the lif t mechanism and front fixing brackets ▬ Symmetrical lif t mechanism and lever arm ▬ Two different types of lif t mechanism assembly ▬ Light operating forces

21 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Overview Catalogue 2024/2025 Applications Page Web code Standard | SERVO -DRIVE Wooden fronts and wide alu frames DQDXLC 22 Narrow alu frames DQDYAP 26 Accessories Mounting plates 150 Hinge arm cover cap 157 Screws 68 Centre bit 68 Door buf fer 68 Screwdriver 69 Cross slot bit 69 Assembly, removal and adjustment Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL Machine directive 711 Detailed information on the Machine Directive Short URL Pictograph Item available on request Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image Symbolic image Hinge set 30 1

1 3b 3a 7a 3d 3c 8 2 4 3e 6 10 12 13 11 7b 22 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE Catalogue 2024/2025 Wooden fronts and wide alu frames Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQDXLC Power factor LF Front – Symmetrical Cabinet height KH (mm) x combined weight of top and bot tom fronts FG including handle (kg) We recommend the more power ful lif t mechanism for overlapping areas! A trial application is recommended when you are in a borderline area of the individual lif t mechanism! Order information Standard SERVO-DRIVE 1 Lift mechanism set Fixing with pre -mounted system screws Power factor LF Opening angle OW2 Part no. 2700 –13500 1 81°–116° 22F2510 10000 –19300 22F2810 Consisting of: 1 2 x Lif t mechanism (symmetrical) Incl. pre-mounted system screws Note The power factor LF can be increased by 50 % when a third lif t mechanism is used. 1 1 pc LF 1350 –3000 Cabinet width KB up to 600 mm 2 Multi-stage adjustment 1 Lift mechanism set Fixing with chipboard screws with positioning system Power factor LF Opening angle OW2 Part no. 2700 –13500 1 81°–116° 22F2500 10000 –19300 22F2800 Consisting of: 1 2 x Lif t mechanism (symmetrical) Incl. positioning system – 8 x Chipboard screws Ø 4 x 35 mm Note The power factor LF can be increased by 50 % when a third lif t mechanism is used. 1 1 pc LF 1350 –3000 Cabinet width KB up to 600 mm 2 Multi-stage adjustment 2 Lever arm set Cabinet height KH (mm)1 Part no. 480 – 610 22F3200 600 –910 22F3500 840 –1200 22F3900 Consisting of: 2 2 x Symmetrical lever arm 1 Theoretical cabinet height TKH for asymmetrical fronts 3 Cover cap set Colour Material Part no. SW | HGR | TGR Nylon 22.8000 Consisting of: 3a 1 x Cover cap lef t 3b 1 x Cover cap right 3c 2 x Branding element, stamped with Blum logo IN-G 3 Cover cap set for SERVO -DRIVE Colour Material Part no. SW | HGR | TGR Nylon 23.8000 Consisting of: 3a 1 x SERVO-DRIVE cover cap lef t 3b 1 x Cover cap right 3c 2 x Branding element, stamped with Blum logo IN-G 3d 2 x SERVO-DRIVE switch 3e 6 x Blum distance bumper, Ø 5 mm 4 Mounting plate for lever arm Recommendation Fixing method Spacing (mm) Part no. Screw-on 1 0 175H3100 EXPANDO 177H3100E Knock-in 177H3100 All horizontal steel mounting plates with 0 mm spacing possible 1 Use 2 chipboard screws (609.1x00) per side for wooden fronts Use 2 counter sunk self tapping screws (660.0950) per side for wide alu frames 6 SERVO -DRIVE set Colour Material Part no. TGR Nylon 23.A000 Consisting of: 6a 1 x Drive unit 6b 1 x SERVO-DRIVE distribution cable, 1500 mm 6c 1 x Connecting node 6d 2 x Cable end protector For three lif t mechanisms or more, we recommend t wo synchronised drive units Colour Colour HGR Light grey WGR White grey SW Silk white SZ Black TGR Dark grey WS White R7037 RAL 7037 dust grey IN-G In-mould brushed stainless steel ▬ Cabinet height KH 480 –1200 mm ▬ Cabinet width KB up to 1800 mm ▬ Internal cabinet depth LT min. 264 mm ▬ Integrated BLUMOTION set ting ▬ SERVO -DRIVE – the electrical motion suppor t system ▬ Variable stop ▬ Integrated opening angle stop ▬ Fixed position of the lif t mechanism and front fixing brackets ▬ Tool-free assembly ▬ Two dif ferent types of lif t mechanism assembly ▬ 3-dimensional adjustment of both fronts ▬ Centre hinge with finger safety feature Front – Asymmetrical Theoretical cabinet height TKH (mm) x combined weight of top and bot tom fronts FG including handle (kg) Theoret. cabinet height TKH Upper front height FHo (mm) x 2 + gaps The taller front must be at the top for asymmetrical applications! 1

23 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE Catalogue 2024/2025 Wooden fronts and wide alu frames Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQDXLC Order information 10 CLIP top 120° hinge Boss Spring Part no. INSERTA Unsprung 70T5590BTL Screw-on 1 70T5550.TL Boss overlay TO (fixed dimension) 11 mm 3 hinges at cabinet width KB 1200 mm and/or star ting from 12 kg front weight FG 4 hinges at cabinet width KB 1800 mm and/or star ting from 20 kg front weight FG 1 Use chipboard screws (609.1x00) for wooden fronts Use counter sunk self tapping screws (660.0950) for wide alu frames Alternative to 10 10 CLIP top 120° special hinge for larger front overlay Boss Spring Part no. INSERTA Unsprung 72T5590BTL Screw-on 1 72T5550.TL Boss overlay TO (fixed dimension) 13 mm 3 hinges at cabinet width KB 1200 mm and/or star ting from 12 kg front weight FG 4 hinges at cabinet width KB 1800 mm and/or star ting from 20 kg front weight FG 1 Use chipboard screws (609.1x00) for wooden fronts Use counter sunk self tapping screws (660.0950) for wide alu frames 11 Mounting plate for CLIP top 120° hinge Recommendation Fixing method Spacing (mm) Part no. Screw-on 1 0 175H3100 EXPANDO 177H3100E Knock-in 177H3100 Standard mounting plates, spacing depends on the upper front overlay FAo 1 Use chipboard screws (609.1x00) for wooden fronts Use counter sunk self tapping screws (660.0950) for wide alu frames 12 CLIP top centre hinge Boss Spring Part no. EXPANDO Unsprung 78Z553ET Screw-on 1 78Z5500T 3 hinges at cabinet width KB 1200 mm and/or star ting from 12 kg front weight FG 4 hinges at cabinet width KB 1800 mm and/or star ting from 20 kg front weight FG 1 Use chipboard screws (609.1x00) for wooden fronts Use counter sunk self tapping screws (660.0950) for wide alu frames 13 Mounting plate for CLIP top - centre hinge Recommendation Fixing method Spacing (mm) Part no. Screw-on 1 0 175H3100 EXPANDO 177H3100E Knock-in 177H3100 Standard mounting plates with 0 mm spacing Only use cruciform mounting plates for wide aluminium frames under a 57 mm frame frieze width 1 Use chipboard screws (609.1x00) for wooden fronts Use counter sunk self tapping screws (660.0950) for wide alu frames Accessories Reference pages Over view 21 Accessories – Hinge set 30 Mounting plates 150 Accessories – General 68 Planning – Symmetrical 24 Planning – Asymmetrical 25 Planning – Blum distance bumper 31 Planning – SERVO-DRIVE switch 31 SERVO-DRIVE uno – Market list 732 Blum ser vices 602 Reference values for front weight FG (kg) 716 Machine directive 711 More technical details 708 Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL 8 Power supply unit housing Colour Material Part no. WGR Nylon Z10NG120 For SERVO-DRIVE power supply unit – SERVO -DRIVE distribution cable and cable end protector Colour Length (m) Part no. SZ 8 Z10K800AE Consisting of: 6b 1 x SERVO-DRIVE distribution cable 6d 5 x Cable end protector For cut ting to size – Connecting node and cable end protector Colour Material Part no. SZ Nylon Z10V100E.01 Consisting of: 6c 1 x Connecting node 6d 2 x Cable end protector Tool-free assembly – Cable holder Colour Material Part no. WS Nylon Z10K0009 E.g. for fixing the SERVO-DRIVE distribution cable 7 SERVO -DRIVE power supply unit and flex Mains plug Market1 Language package2 Language3 Part no. E Europe A DE | EN | FR | IT | NL Z10NE04EA B DA | EN | FI | NO | SV Z10NE04EB C EL | EN | HR | SL | SR | TR Z10NE04EC D EN | ES | FR | IT | PT Z10NE04ED E CS | HU | PL | SK Z10NE04EE F BG | ET | LT | LV | RO | RU | UK Z10NE04EF I EN Z10NE04EI B GB A DE | EN | FR | IT | NL Z10NE04BA I EN Z10NE04BI H IN Z10NE04HI I IL A DE | EN | FR | IT | NL Z10NE04IA K AU I EN Z10NE04KI N CN H EN | ZH | KO Z10NE04NH R KR Z10NE04RH S BR K EN | ES | PT Z10NE04SK T TW H EN | ZH | KO Z10NE04TH U US | CA G EN | ES | FR Z10NE04UG JP J JA Z10NE04UJ Z ZA I EN Z10NE04ZI Consisting of: 7a 1 x SERVO-DRIVE power supply unit Incl. operating and installation instructions 7b 1 x Flex Length 1.5 –1.8 m, incl. plug Required for t wo or more drive units 1 Market descriptions as per ISO 3166 2 Language package – Operating instructions 3 Language descriptions as per ISO 639 Alternative to 7 | 8 – SERVO -DRIVE plug-in power supply unit Only suitable for one drive unit Network adapter1 Market 2 Language package3 Language4 Part no. E Europe A DE | EN | FR | IT | NL ☎Z10NA40EA B DA | EN | FI | NO | SV ☎Z10NA40EB C EL | EN | HR | SL | SR | TR ☎Z10NA40EC D EN | ES | FR | IT | PT ☎Z10NA40ED E CS | HU | PL | SK ☎ Z10NA40EE F BG | ET | LT | LV | RO | RU | UK ☎ Z10NA40EF B GB A DE | EN | FR | IT | NL ☎Z10NA40BA K AU I EN ☎ Z10NA40KI N CN H EN | ZH | KO ☎Z10NA40NH U US | CA | JP G EN | ES | FR ☎ Z10NA40UG Consisting of: – 1 x SERVO-DRIVE plug-in power supply unit Incl. cable, 1120 mm (with SERVO-DRIVE distribution cable extendible to max. 2000 mm) Incl. operating and installation instructions Other combinations available upon request 1 See the Information chapter for a detailed market list 2 Market descriptions as per ISO 3166 3 Language package – Operating instructions 4 Language descriptions as per ISO 639 1

64 H 128 101 Ø5 min 11.5 X Y SERVO-DRIVE Ø 10 63 H 124 91.5 11 11 X Y SERVO-DRIVE Ø 10 3 2 1 min 22 B A min 264 30 KH 66 30 SERVO DRIVE min LH C Y FH X max FD KH FHu FHo Fo 32 Z 12.5 SFA min 17 +FAu Fm KH = FHo x 2 + Fo + Fm + Fu FHo FHu Fo Fm Fu FHu Fu FHo FHu Fm TKH = FHo x 2 + Fo + Fm + Fu FHo FHu Fo Fm Fu FHu Fu FHo FHu Fm 24 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE Catalogue 2024/2025 Wooden fronts and wide alu frames Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQDXLC Planning Symmetrical | Asymmetrical Drilling position – System screws Cabinet height KH (mm) H (mm) X (mm) Y (mm) 480 – 519 93.5 38.5 102 520 –1200 116 38.5 124 Drilling position – Chipboard screws Cabinet height KH (mm) H (mm) X (mm) Y (mm) 480 – 519 93 38.5 102 520 –1200 115.5 38.5 124 4 x chipboard screws Ø 4 x 35 mm Positioning system – Chipboard screws Cabinet height KH (mm) 520 –1200 Space requirement Lever arm set LH min. (mm) 22F3200 443 22F3500 512 22F3900 632 KH (mm) A (mm) B (mm) C min. (mm) 480 – 519 66.5 171.5 172 520 –1200 89.0 194.0 195 KH Cabinet height LH Internal cabinet height X max. = FH x 0.9 + FD x 1.5 + 35 Opening angle stop Y (mm) 116° FH x 0.44 + 38 107° FH x 0.29 + 35 97° FH x 0.12 + 31 88° 28 81° 0 FH Front height FD Front thickness Front assembly Cabinet height KH (mm) Z (mm) 480 – 519 170 520 –1200 189 Fo Top gap Fm Middle gap FAu Bot tom front overlay SFA Front overlay of the side panel FHo Upper front height FHu Lower front height Front – Symmetrical Fo Top gap Fm Middle gap Fu Bot tom gap FHo Upper front height FHu Lower front height KH Cabinet height Front – Asymmetrical Fo Top gap Fm Middle gap Fu Bot tom gap FHo Upper front height FHu Lower front height TKH Theoretical cabinet height 1

FAo 25 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE Catalogue 2024/2025 Wooden fronts and wide alu frames Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQDXLC Planning Symmetrical | Asymmetrical CLIP top 120° hinge TB Drilling distance F Gap FAo Upper front overlay () CLIP top 120° special hinge CLIP top centre hinge TB Drilling distance F Gap Min. 1.5 mm * 37 mm for cruciform mounting plates (37/32) Drilling distance TB MD Front overlay FA (mm) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 3 4 5 6 3 3 4 5 6 6 3 4 5 6 9 3 4 5 6 MD Mounting plate spacing (mm) With the CLIP top 120° special hinge, the front overlay FA is always 2 mm larger Drilling distance TB MD Horizontal gap F (mm) between fronts 3 4 5 6 0 6 5 4 3 3 6 9 MD Mounting plate spacing (mm) Screw-on INSERTA | EXPANDO Hinge boss dimensions Reference pages Over view 21 Ordering information – wooden fronts and wide alu frames 22 Planning – Blum distance bumper 31 Planning – SERVO-DRIVE switch 31 Machine directive 711 Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL 1

1 3b 3a 7a 3d 3c 8 2 4 3e 6 10 12 13 11 7b 26 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE Catalogue 2024/2025 Narrow alu frames Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQDYAP Power factor LF Front – Symmetrical Cabinet height KH (mm) x combined weight of top and bot tom fronts FG including handle (kg) We recommend the more power ful lif t mechanism for overlapping areas! A trial application is recommended when you are in a borderline area of the individual lif t mechanism! Order information Standard SERVO-DRIVE 1 Lift mechanism set Fixing with pre -mounted system screws Power factor LF Opening angle OW2 Part no. 2700 –13500 1 81°–116° 22F2510 10000 –19300 22F2810 Consisting of: 1 2 x Lif t mechanism (symmetrical) Incl. pre-mounted system screws Note The power factor LF can be increased by 50 % when a third lif t mechanism is used. 1 1 pc LF 1350 –3000 Cabinet width KB up to 600 mm 2 Multi-stage adjustment 1 Lift mechanism set Fixing with chipboard screws with positioning system Power factor LF Opening angle OW2 Part no. 2700 –13500 1 81°–116° 22F2500 10000 –19300 22F2800 Consisting of: 1 2 x Lif t mechanism (symmetrical) Incl. positioning system – 8 x Chipboard screws Ø 4 x 35 mm Note The power factor LF can be increased by 50 % when a third lif t mechanism is used. 1 1 pc LF 1350 –3000 Cabinet width KB up to 600 mm 2 Multi-stage adjustment 2 Lever arm set Cabinet height KH (mm)1 Part no. 480 – 610 22F3200 600 –910 22F3500 840 –1200 22F3900 Consisting of: 2 2 x Symmetrical lever arm 1 Theoretical cabinet height TKH for asymmetrical fronts 3 Cover cap set Colour Material Part no. SW | HGR | TGR Nylon 22.8000 Consisting of: 3a 1 x Cover cap lef t 3b 1 x Cover cap right 3c 2 x Branding element, stamped with Blum logo IN-G 3 Cover cap set for SERVO -DRIVE Colour Material Part no. SW | HGR | TGR Nylon 23.8000 Consisting of: 3a 1 x SERVO-DRIVE cover cap lef t 3b 1 x Cover cap right 3c 2 x Branding element, stamped with Blum logo IN-G 3d 2 x SERVO-DRIVE switch 3e 6 x Blum distance bumper, Ø 5 mm 4 CLIP adapter plate for lever arms Version Spacing (mm) Part no. Lef t | Right 0 175H5B00 6 SERVO -DRIVE set Colour Material Part no. TGR Nylon 23.A000 Consisting of: 6a 1 x Drive unit 6b 1 x SERVO-DRIVE distribution cable, 1500 mm 6c 1 x Connecting node 6d 2 x Cable end protector For three lif t mechanisms or more, we recommend t wo synchronised drive units Colour Colour HGR Light grey WGR White grey SW Silk white SZ Black TGR Dark grey WS White R7037 RAL 7037 dust grey IN-G In-mould brushed stainless steel ▬ Cabinet height KH 480 –1200 mm ▬ Cabinet width KB up to 1800 mm ▬ Internal cabinet depth LT min. 264 mm ▬ Integrated BLUMOTION set ting ▬ SERVO -DRIVE – the electrical motion suppor t system ▬ Variable stop ▬ Integrated opening angle stop ▬ Fixed position of the lif t mechanism and front fixing brackets ▬ Tool-free assembly ▬ Two dif ferent types of lif t mechanism assembly ▬ 3-dimensional adjustment of both fronts ▬ Centre hinge with finger safety feature Front – Asymmetrical Theoretical cabinet height TKH (mm) x combined weight of top and bot tom fronts FG including handle (kg) Theoret. cabinet height TKH Upper front height FHo (mm) x 2 + gaps The taller front must be at the top for asymmetrical applications! 1

27 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE Catalogue 2024/2025 Narrow alu frames Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQDYAP Order information 10 CLIP top 120° aluminium frame door hinge Boss Spring Part no. Screw-on Unsprung 72T550A.TL 3 hinges at cabinet width KB 1200 mm and/or star ting from 12 kg front weight FG 4 hinges at cabinet width KB 1800 mm and/or star ting from 20 kg front weight FG Boss fixing screws are included 11 Mounting plate for CLIP top 120° hinge Recommendation Fixing method Spacing (mm) Part no. Screw-on 1 0 175H3100 EXPANDO 177H3100E Knock-in 177H3100 Standard mounting plates, spacing depends on the top gap F 1 Use 2 counter sunk self tapping screws (660.0950) per side for narrow alu frames 12 CLIP top aluminium frame centre hinge Boss Spring Part no. Screw-on 1 Unsprung 78Z550AT 3 hinges at cabinet width KB 1200 mm and/or star ting from 12 kg front weight FG 4 hinges at cabinet width KB 1800 mm and/or star ting from 20 kg front weight FG 1 Use 2 counter sunk self tapping screws (660.0950) per side for narrow alu frames 13 CLIP adapter plate for centre hinges Version Spacing (mm) Part no. Symmetrical 0 175H5A00 Boss fixing screws are included Accessories Reference pages Over view 21 Accessories – Hinge set 30 Mounting plates 150 Accessories – General 68 Planning – Symmetrical 28 Planning – Asymmetrical 29 Planning – Blum distance bumper 31 Planning – SERVO-DRIVE switch 31 SERVO-DRIVE uno – Market list 732 Blum ser vices 602 Reference values for front weight FG (kg) 716 Machine directive 711 More technical details 708 Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL 8 Power supply unit housing Colour Material Part no. WGR Nylon Z10NG120 For SERVO-DRIVE power supply unit – SERVO -DRIVE distribution cable and cable end protector Colour Length (m) Part no. SZ 8 Z10K800AE Consisting of: 6b 1 x SERVO-DRIVE distribution cable 6d 5 x Cable end protector For cut ting to size – Connecting node and cable end protector Colour Material Part no. SZ Nylon Z10V100E.01 Consisting of: 6c 1 x Connecting node 6d 2 x Cable end protector Tool-free assembly – Cable holder Colour Material Part no. WS Nylon Z10K0009 E.g. for fixing the SERVO-DRIVE distribution cable 7 SERVO -DRIVE power supply unit and flex Mains plug Market1 Language package2 Language3 Part no. E Europe A DE | EN | FR | IT | NL Z10NE04EA B DA | EN | FI | NO | SV Z10NE04EB C EL | EN | HR | SL | SR | TR Z10NE04EC D EN | ES | FR | IT | PT Z10NE04ED E CS | HU | PL | SK Z10NE04EE F BG | ET | LT | LV | RO | RU | UK Z10NE04EF I EN Z10NE04EI B GB A DE | EN | FR | IT | NL Z10NE04BA I EN Z10NE04BI H IN Z10NE04HI I IL A DE | EN | FR | IT | NL Z10NE04IA K AU I EN Z10NE04KI N CN H EN | ZH | KO Z10NE04NH R KR Z10NE04RH S BR K EN | ES | PT Z10NE04SK T TW H EN | ZH | KO Z10NE04TH U US | CA G EN | ES | FR Z10NE04UG JP J JA Z10NE04UJ Z ZA I EN Z10NE04ZI Consisting of: 7a 1 x SERVO-DRIVE power supply unit Incl. operating and installation instructions 7b 1 x Flex Length 1.5 –1.8 m, incl. plug Required for t wo or more drive units 1 Market descriptions as per ISO 3166 2 Language package – Operating instructions 3 Language descriptions as per ISO 639 Alternative to 7 | 8 – SERVO -DRIVE plug-in power supply unit Only suitable for one drive unit Network adapter1 Market 2 Language package3 Language4 Part no. E Europe A DE | EN | FR | IT | NL ☎Z10NA40EA B DA | EN | FI | NO | SV ☎Z10NA40EB C EL | EN | HR | SL | SR | TR ☎Z10NA40EC D EN | ES | FR | IT | PT ☎Z10NA40ED E CS | HU | PL | SK ☎ Z10NA40EE F BG | ET | LT | LV | RO | RU | UK ☎ Z10NA40EF B GB A DE | EN | FR | IT | NL ☎Z10NA40BA K AU I EN ☎ Z10NA40KI N CN H EN | ZH | KO ☎Z10NA40NH U US | CA | JP G EN | ES | FR ☎ Z10NA40UG Consisting of: – 1 x SERVO-DRIVE plug-in power supply unit Incl. cable, 1120 mm (with SERVO-DRIVE distribution cable extendible to max. 2000 mm) Incl. operating and installation instructions Other combinations available upon request 1 See the Information chapter for a detailed market list 2 Market descriptions as per ISO 3166 3 Language package – Operating instructions 4 Language descriptions as per ISO 639 1

64 H 128 101 Ø5 min 11.5 X Y SERVO-DRIVE Ø 10 63 H 124 91.5 11 11 X Y SERVO-DRIVE Ø 10 3 2 1 min 22 B A min 264 30 KH 66 30 SERVO DRIVE min LH C Y FH X max FD KH FHu FHo Fo Z FAu min 31 + FAu Fm KH = FHo x 2 + Fo + Fm + Fu FHo FHu Fo Fm Fu FHu Fu FHo FHu Fm TKH = FHo x 2 + Fo + Fm + Fu FHo FHu Fo Fm Fu FHu Fu FHo FHu Fm 28 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE Catalogue 2024/2025 Narrow alu frames Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQDYAP Planning Symmetrical | Asymmetrical Drilling position – System screws Cabinet height KH (mm) H (mm) X (mm) Y (mm) 480 – 519 93.5 38.5 102 520 –1200 116 38.5 124 Drilling position – Chipboard screws Cabinet height KH (mm) H (mm) X (mm) Y (mm) 480 – 519 93 38.5 102 520 –1200 115.5 38.5 124 4 x chipboard screws Ø 4 x 35 mm Positioning system – Chipboard screws Cabinet height KH (mm) 520 –1200 Space requirement Lever arm set LH min. (mm) 22F3200 443 22F3500 512 22F3900 632 KH (mm) A (mm) B (mm) C min. (mm) 480 – 519 66.5 171.5 172 520 –1200 89.0 194.0 195 KH Cabinet height LH Internal cabinet height X max. = FH x 0.9 + FD x 1.5 + 35 Opening angle stop Y (mm) 116° FH x 0.44 + 38 107° FH x 0.29 + 35 97° FH x 0.12 + 31 88° 28 81° 0 FH Front height FD Front thickness Front assembly Cabinet height KH (mm) Z (mm) 480 – 549 188 520 –1200 207 Fo Top gap Fm Middle gap FAu Bot tom front overlay FHo Upper front height FHu Lower front height Front – Symmetrical Fo Top gap Fm Middle gap Fu Bot tom gap FHo Upper front height FHu Lower front height KH Cabinet height Front – Asymmetrical Fo Top gap Fm Middle gap Fu Bot tom gap FHo Upper front height FHu Lower front height TKH Theoretical cabinet height 1

29 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Standard | SERVO-DRIVE Catalogue 2024/2025 Narrow alu frames Web code – Click on the code or enter it in the Product Configurator DQDYAP Planning Symmetrical | Asymmetrical CLIP top 120° aluminium frame door hinge CLIP top aluminium frame centre hinge F Gap Min. 1.5 mm The gap F needs to be adjusted for frame thicknesses over 20.5 mm Screw-on (hinge | adapter plate) * When changing material thickness, adjust the assembly dimensions accordingly Reference pages Over view 21 Ordering information – narrow alu frames 26 Planning – Blum distance bumper 31 Planning – SERVO-DRIVE switch 31 Machine directive 711 Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL 1

30 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Accessories Catalogue 2024/2025 Hinge set – Wooden fronts Order information Fixing method Part no. INSERTA | Knock-in | EXPANDO ☎ 78Z5530T11 Consisting of: 2 x CLIP top 120° hinge unsprung 70T5590BTL 2 x CLIP top centre hinge unsprung 78Z5530T 6 x Horizontal cam mounting plate 177H3100 Hinge set – Wooden fronts and wide alu frames Order information Fixing method Part no. Screw-on 1 ☎ 78Z5500T12 Consisting of: 2 x CLIP top 120° hinge unsprung 70T5550.TL 2 x CLIP top centre hinge unsprung 78Z5500T For wide alu frames, an additional cruciform mounting plate is required for the CLIP top centre hinge 6 x Horizontal cam mounting plate 175H3100 1 Use chipboard screws (609.1x00) for wooden fronts Use counter sunk self tapping screws (660.0950) for wide alu frames Hinge set – Narrow alu frames Order information Fixing method Part no. Screw-on ☎ 78Z550AT11 Consisting of: 2 x CLIP top 120° aluminium frame hinge unsprung 72T550A.TL 2 x CLIP top aluminium frame centre hinge unsprung 78Z550AT 2 x Horizontal cam mounting plate 175H5400 2 x CLIP adapter plate symmetrical 175H5A00 2 x CLIP adapter plate lef t /right 175H5B00 1 ▬ Hinge set ▬ Hinge set ▬ Hinge set

31 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top – bi-fold lift system 〉 Planning Catalogue 2024/2025 Planning Blum distance bumper (SERVO -DRIVE application only) Inser t Blum distance bumper (do not glue) Recommendation for aluminium frames Take into account drilling for the Blum distance bumper in the cabinet side A trial application must be carried out when fixing to the front * From cabinet bot tom edge for fronts that protrude below SERVO -DRIVE switch Reference pages Over view 21 Ordering information – wooden fronts and wide alu frames 22 Ordering information – narrow alu frames 26 Blum ser vices 602 Machine directive 711 More technical details 708 Assembly, removal and adjustment Short URL 1