Catalogue and technical manual 2024-2025

5 5 〉 Pocket systems 〉 REVEGO Catalogue 2024/2025 Reference pages REVEGO 532 Short URL Ef ficient manufacturing thanks to pre - assembly and digit al ser vices The wel l -thought- out pocket construc t ion means REVEGO can be pre -assemb led in the wor kshop or p lant. This provi des excel lent protec t ion dur ing transpor t to the end user – and is both ef f ic ient and prac t ical. The Produc t Conf igurator fac il i tates produc t selec t ion and provi des checked par t s l ist s, planning informat ion and CAD data. The ult imate in convenience REVEGO is so simp le to imp lement that you might not real ise the comp lexi t y that l ies wi thin the innovat ive f i t t ings solut ion. Thanks to TIP- ON mot ion technology, user s can open and c lose the large front s wi th a single touch – no handle required. A wide variet y of unique design and combinat ion opt ions REVEGO gives you ma ximum design freedom and inspires new approaches to p lanning room layout s. REVEGO uno and REVEGO duo can be combined i f required, but also func t ion independent ly. Whether i t ’s used in large or smal l spaces, REVEGO let s you imp lement solut ions wi th internal cabinetr y as wel l as walk- in app l icat ions throughout the home. Quick and easy on - site inst allat ion REVEGO pocket systems fac il i tate fast assemb ly and easy instal lat ion, so REVEGO can be f i t ted quick ly and simp ly l ike any standard tal l cabinet. The 3 - dimensional adjustment features are easily ac cessib le and intui t ive to use.