Catalogue and technical manual 2024-2025

691 9 〉 Blum services 〉 Templates 〉 Insertion tool Catalogue 2024/2025 Insertion tool for hinges Assembly options CLIP top BLUMOTION CLIP top MODUL Reference pages Over view – templates 662 Over view – assembly options 664 Application video Short URL Order information Description Part no. Inser tion tool for hinges ZME.0710 Consisting of: – 1 x Inser tion tool for hinges Assembly options CLIP top BLUMOTION | CLIP top | MODUL 9 ▬ Enables you to knock in all CLIP top BLUMOTION, CLIP top, CLIP and MODUL hinge with knock-in boss ▬ Material: nylon Hinge system assembly ▬ Drill hinge drilling pat tern ▬ Clip hinge into inser tion tool and knock in Symbolic image