Catalogue and technical manual 2024-2025

7 9 〉 Blum services Catalogue 2024/2025 Reference pages Blum ser vices 602 Short URL Personal ser vices Direc t contac t wi th you is impor tant to us. Thanks to advice, suppor t and training, you wil l be ver y wel l - informed about our produc t s and ser vices. We are happy to provi de you wi th indivi dual and per sonal answer s to any of your quest ions. Digit al ser vices Our E-SERVICES suppor t you onl ine – at any t ime, wherever you are. They gui de you through one or more process steps, or throughout your ent ire process chain. You can therefore wor k more ef f ic ient ly and achieve the resul t you want faster. Logist ics ser vices We ensure that your produc t del iver ies ar r ive in ful l and on t ime. If required, we can analyse and improve your order ing process and /or inventor y management system and develop tailored packaging. Always wi th per sonal advice. Machiner y | Assembly devices | Templates We make get t ing to gr ips wi th our produc t s easy, ef f ic ient and prec ise. There is a prac t ical tool for ever y process step – be i t a dr il l ing and inser t ion machine, an assemb ly device or a temp late or j ig. Communicat ion ser vices We provi de you wi th al l the necessar y mater ials – from images, vi deos and tex t s to brochures and data sheet s. We also provi de instal lat ion instruc t ions and f ilms. Plus, ever y thing is spec i f ic to your mar ket – in more than 40 languages.