9 9 〉 Blum services 〉 Assembly devices Catalogue 2024/2025 Reference pages Assembly devices 654 Short URL www.blum.com/i366 BOXFIX plus – nails instead of screws! Quick and ef f ic ient manufac tur ing processes go a long way to suc cess. That ’s why Blum always provi des a sui tab le package of assemb ly devices to go wi th i t s f i t t ings. And our range of assemb ly ai ds is being ex tended al l the t ime. The latest addi t ion is our new BOXFIX plus assemb ly device wi th nail technology for Blum box systems. Ef ficiency An air nailer dr ives the nails through the metal direc t ly into the chipboard back and drawer base. Pre - dr il l ing is no longer required, and there’s no need to set stops thanks to pneumat ic c lamping. This reduces your assemb ly t ime by as much as 40%. Qualit y Nail ing creates a f lush seamless joint bet ween the f i t t ings and wooden par t s. You also have the opt ion of using BOXFIX plus and screws for assemb ly.