Julius Blum GmbH, Beschlaegefabrik

12 Blum Inspirations Where are the most co -work ing spaces in the world? Worldwide percentages Source: Global Cowork ing Grow th Study 2020. cowork ingresources.org. the development of housing in a modern wor ld that is undergoing constant change. How do we deal with change that is perceived as being volatile, complex and ambiguous? In many areas change is replacing stabilit y and solidit y and creating uncer taint y. But these are not the only things in flux: researchers have seen a move away from consumer ism, and the focus is no longer on the presentation of consumer goods, but on their functionalit y. All of this is expressed in living trends, too. Co - living and working The good news is that as far as life and housing are concerned, we have a host of solutions at our finger tips for mak ing the most of this development. Less living space, for example, can be compensated for by co-living or co-work ing spaces, regardless of what phase of life you are in. Klaus Kofler has also given thought to these themes. ‘We’ve teamed up with par tners from the timber construction industr y and developed an interesting concept for people who work from their k itchens at home and have to deal with constant interruptions. The idea is to set up a container with t wo of fice units in the people’s immediate vicinit y. They can rent the space by the hour and work from there. This is the k ind of flexibilit y we’ll need to be able to accommodate work practices of the future.’ New lifest yles Ever changing lifest yles require ever increasing flexibilit y. Singles of all ages make up one of the largest groups in societ y, ranging from young digital nomads to silver sur fers. Their life paths are not just defined by childhood, education, career and retirement, but are far more var ied. New insights and realisations, professional and pr ivate reor ientation are the India USA United Kingdom 5.08% 10.69% 18. 30%