Julius Blum GmbH, Beschlaegefabrik

13 Blum Inspirations order of the day. The housing market has so far neglected to integrate these dynamics into its of fer ings. Future mindset We need a future mindset to cope with a dynamically changing wor ld. ‘We have to grasp that we can interact with the wider wor ld from any where. We no longer have to go to the of fice ever yday to catch up with work and colleagues. Things are so much bet ter if we open our minds to these dif ferent ways of work ing.’ says Klaus Kofler. According to the futurologist, people are at the centre of these developments and have a real oppor tunit y to make things work the way they want. However, they must be willing to embrace the new possibilities. Space as a source of inspirat ion Living and work ing spaces today are more impor tant than ever as we combine the t wo. How can living environments resolve this complexit y? A space must of fer a var iet y of possibilities. We could, for example, create dynamic walls that can be adjusted to meet our needs. Combine living areas and use the space available for dif ferent activities. And implement multifunctional inter ior furnishings to make all of this possible. The trend towards minimalism will play a big role in creating open spaces, resolving space shor tage and accommodating dynamic lifest yles. We will learn that less can be more. However, our living space will still need to exude secur it y, homeliness, sustainabilit y and individualit y. It will be a new key feature of our identit y and an emotional enr ichment: as a home, home base and reference point where we can come to rest. •