Julius Blum GmbH, Beschlaegefabrik

Masthead MASTHEAD as st ipulated by § 25 of the Austrian Media Act (Medi - enG) Owner and publisher: Julius Blum GmbH Industr iestrasse 1 6973 Hoechst, Austr ia Telephone: +43 5578 705 - 0 Fa x: +43 5578 705 - 44 Email: info@blum.com Website: w w w.blum.com Commercial register: 62067 a Place of jurisdict ion: Feldk irch Regional Cour t, Austr ia VAT ID: ATU 35695903 Regulator y body according to the E-Commerce Act (ECG): Bregenz Distr ict Author ities, Austr ia Object ive of the company To develop, manufacture and sell furniture fit tings and assembly devices for k itchens and furniture made by industr ial manufacturers and cabinet makers Editors in chief Sandra Schulz Anja Wölfl Concept and design Lighthouse GmbH 88131 Lindau, Germany w w w.lighthouse.de Publishing and product ion Vorar lberger Ver lagsanstalt GmbH Dornbirn, Austr ia Copyr ight by Julius Blum GmbH. Fur ther pr inting, copying, redistr ibution or publication of any par t of this maga zine is str ictly prohibited unless expressly permit ted by the publisher. Blum believes people are what mat ters. We are a company that embraces diversit y and rejects any form of discr imination. Gender-neutral language is therefore impor tant to us. If we have not included a gender in our tex t or wording, this is due to a lack of alternatives, to maintain readabilit y or unfor tunately sometimes due to an inadver tent omission.