Products Order Manual 2020

Company Name 公司名稱: __________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person 聯絡人: _____________________Tel. 電話: _____________ Email 電郵: ________________________ Inner Dividing Systems ϣϩ႖ س ӈ : AMBIA-LINE for LEGRABOX pure AL1 AL2 AL3 AL6 AL7 AL8 AL9 AL10 AL11 AL4 AL5 Dispenser ߥ ᗲરϷᒴરࢎ Bottle set ᐅࢎಔҹ Spice holder ፓ ښ ᐅࢎ Knife holder Θࢎ Plate holder ᅷዬ _______pc ҹ (5952958) 187mm 409mm Install together with AL8 or AL11 ໪ᆶ!AL8 ܈!AL11 ΋ ٳ Ӽး Install together with AL8 or AL11 ໪ᆶ!AL8 ܈!AL11 ΋ ٳ Ӽး _______pc ҹ (9809820) 409mm 187mm _______pc ҹ (1366848) Stacking height of plates ౰ᅷଯ ࡋ : 170mm Plate Diameter ᅷ ޔ ৩: 186 - 322mm _______pc ҹ (8058240) 205mm 356mm 200mm _______set ঺ (4250192) Install together with AL8 or AL11 ໪ᆶ!AL8 ܈!AL11 ΋ ٳ Ӽး AL12 AL13 AL14 450mm 500mm M height (Mଯᘕఏ) C or F height (C ܈ Fଯᘕఏ) _______pc ҹ (9653503) _______pc ҹ (3560959) _______pc ҹ (2903985) _______pc ҹ (4497947) _______pc ҹ (8693820) _______pc ҹ (4595319) 300mm (W) 100mm (W) 200mm (W) 300mm (W) 100mm (W) 200mm (W) Cutlery insert Θΰዬ Drawer frame ໔႖ࢎ Drawer frame ໔႖ࢎ Drawer frame ໔႖ࢎ Drawer frame ໔႖ࢎ Cutlery insert Θΰዬ Drawer frame + Adapter profile ໔႖ࢎ঺း Drawer frame + Adapter profile ໔႖ࢎ঺း Drawer frame + Adapter profile ໔႖ࢎ঺း (1392076) _______set ঺ (3486858) + 272mm (L) x 242mm (W) 242mm (W) 50mm (H) (7830344) _______set ঺ (2258290) + 270mm (L) x 242mm (W) 110mm (H) 218mm (W) (7649432) _______set ঺ (2258290) + 218mm (W) 370mm (L) x 218mm (W) 110mm (H) SERVO-DRIVE ႝ୏ଛ࿼ (for drawer ٮ ᘕఏҔ) Horizontal cross member ᘕഗۭ݈Ӽး Vertical cross member ᘕङۭ݈Ӽး Attachment bracket ଛ ۓڰ ࢎӼး Cabinet height ᘕଯ = (LH) BP2 BP4 BT1 BT2 DO1 DO2 TR1 TR2 TR3 ________set ঺ (9219178) LH > 720mm /+ ” PP Cabinet height ᘕଯ = (LH) ________set ঺ (4821474) LH > 720mm /+ ” PP 1 tier ൂቫ 2 tier ᚈቫ _______set ঺ (1111362) _______set ঺ (2600082) ________pc ঁ (6970029) Drive unit ໺୏း࿼ ________pc ಈ (7402930) Distance bumper ጗ፂ༞ Install 4 pcs if: using 70kg LEGRABOX or 65kg TANDEBOX runner and/ or front height > 300mm Ӽး4ಈӵ: ٬Ҕ70kg LEGRABOX܈65kg TANDEMBOX ၡॉ!Ϸ0܈ ᘕఏ ߐ ݈ଯ ࡋ > 300mm ________set ঺ (1473098) Transformer ОФ (72W, 24V) Base fixing ۭ݈Ӽး Transformer ОФ (72W, 24V) Panel fixing ङ݈Ӽး ________set ঺ (9916958) ________set ঺ (5515672) 6m Cable set 6ԯႝጕ঺း Ver: 201912 Page 7 Install together with AL14 ໪ᆶ!AL14 ΋ ٳ Ӽး