2 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HF top | HS top | HL top | HK top Catalogue 2024/2025 Reference pages Lif t systems 10 Short URL www.blum.com/i363 AVENTOS top – lif t systems for master ful st aging AVENTOS top l i f t systems not only impress wi th a compac t, modern design but also of fer many other advantages, inc luding fewer component s, standardised f ixing posi t ions for l i f t mechanisms and front f ixing bracket s regardless of cabinet height, adapt ive BLUMOTION sof t- c lose set t ing and l i f t mechanism adjustment from the front. Al l these aspec t s simp l i f y the manufac tur ing and assemb ly of AVENTOS top. Uniform cover cap design for a harmonious aesthet ic The st yl ishly designed f i t t ings can be used to produce exc i t ing inter ior s: the l i f t mechanisms are concealed behind elegant cover caps in three colour s. Truly mult i - t alented thanks to integrated funct ions Many features have been integrated into AVENTOS top to make manufac tur ing and assemb ly easier. For examp le, you dec i de how you want the l i f t mechanism instal led. You can choose to use pre -mounted system screws or the integrated posi t ioning system and chipboard screws. A sophist icated ensemble thanks to a compact range The new l i f t systems take up ver y l i t t le space in your warehouse. AVENTOS top is designed so that you only require a few component s, but st il l have comp lete design freedom.