Catalogue and technical manual 2024-2025

3 1 〉 Lift systems 〉 AVENTOS HKi Catalogue 2024/2025 Reference pages AVENTOS HKi 12 Short URL AVENTOS HKi – the integrated st ay lif t system Thanks to i t s compac t and sl im design, AVENTOS HKi can be ful ly integrated into the cabinet si de. The stay l i f t f i t t ing b lends seamlessly into the furni ture and enab les new design possibil i t ies wi th high aesthet ic qual i t y. You receive pure furni ture wi th comp lete design freedom. Visible elegance with invisible refinements AVENTOS HKi b lends into the furni ture, no mat ter which t ype of front you choose. The f i t t ing is invisib le when c losed, even when used for wal l cabinet front s wi th glass inser t s. When open, lever arms emerge in elegant ony x b lack. Ergonomics combined with high - tech The AVENTOS HKi technology is concealed in the si de panel, yet st il l gives total control: l i f t mechanism adjustment from the front, integrated opening angle stop and var iab le stop. This enab les ful l freedom of movement and easy ac cess to storage i tems. A whole world full of oppor tunit ies AVENTOS HKi is so nar row that the f i t t ing can be used in a cabinet si de just 16 mm thick. And when i t comes to the front s, your design possibil i t ies are l imi t less.