Julius Blum GmbH, Beschlaegefabrik

Being free What prevents us from doing exactly what we'd like, and how we can free ourselves A dif ferent way to travel Why we all need a holistic getaway Savouring together What truly great cof fee tastes like and where to find it

Blum Inspirations "Blum creates free space for ideas with innovative solutions, so you can get the very best out of your liv ing space."

Blum Inspirations "Free" is just one lit tle word, but it connects all our target groups – cabinet makers, furniture manufacturers, interior designers, end users and their families – in a way no other word does. At the same time, being free means something dif ferent to each of us. While inter ior designers need free rein for their creativit y, manufacturers are look ing for products and ser vices that enhance processes and liberate them from day-to- day obstacles. The possibilities this creates are expressed in customised, comfor table and high- qualit y furniture solutions that make your house a home. And what does free mean to you? Read on for inspiration. Your Blum Inspirations Editor ial Team Ed itor ial

4 Blum Inspirations You'll be amazed at how Blum products can make your life easier ever y day. Not only in the kitchen, but in all living areas. The high-quality fit tings from Austria are used in furniture all over the world and have won multiple design awards. Blum Inside

5 Blum Inspirations Lif t systems Bi-fold, up and over, lif t up or stay lif t system: AVENTOS lif t systems of fer the r ight opening action for any living space. Even large and heav y wall cabinet fronts open with supreme ease and remain in the desired position. Hinge systems Blum hinges ensure that cabinet doors open with elegance and close sof tly and ef for tlessly. The technically innovative CLIP top range of fers great scope in terms of opening angle and design. Runner systems MOVENTO and TANDEM runner systems ensure that even heavily laden wooden drawers and pull- outs have a feather-light glide. Box systems Blum has the per fect drawer for any situation: LEGRABOX, MERIVOBOX and TANDEMBOX. All box systems can be configured to suit individual requirements and boast exceptional engineer ing and design. Motion technologies Blum br ings enhanced convenience to furniture in four ways. BLUMOTION gives you sof t and ef for tless closing, TIP- ON one-touch opening and TIP- ON BLUMOTION is a marr iage of the t wo. SERVO -DRIVE is the electr ic var iant. Inner dividing systems AMBIA-LINE and ORGA-LINE are flexible inner dividing systems that deliver organisation to inter iors – from k itchen drawers to bathroom pull- outs. Electronic systems AMPEROS by Blum integrates electr icit y and light in furniture. The retrofit ted stand-alone solution and meticulously designed infrastructure solution supply electr icit y for power ing or charging devices. Pocket systems There is a growing trend to combine living areas and create new space concepts. REVEGO makes it possible to open up entire spaces when needed, and close them of f again when not in use – quick ly, easily and intuitively. Cabinet applications Practical and creative furniture ideas that of fer ma ximum flexibilit y so that you can make full use of the storage available, simplif y work flows and provide easy access to storage items.

Blum Inspirations Being free

8 Blum Inspirations 12 18 42 38 Contents 10 Smal l space wonders 12 Turning visions into realit y A conversation bet ween Armin Baldreich and Jürgen Krämer 18 Staged to simple per fect ion AVENTOS HKi 24 Light as a design element Professional lighting design by Zumtobel 30 Ex tra space, more convenience Pull- out shelf for ever y living area 32 Inspiring spaces for living Tips from inter ior designer Ramsin Khachi 36 Food culture 38 A flavour that connects us Inter view with bar ista Nicole Bat tefeld-Montgomer y 42 Experience Mexico's cof fee culture Mobile Cof fee Station by Blum 47 Cof fee around the world Unique cof fee recipes from dif ferent countr ies 48 Space for new furniture ideas EXPANDO T for thin fronts 54 The language of colours Orange in the wor ld of design

Blum Inspirations 9 58 80 8 4 56 T rends 76 T he world of Blum 78 Blum facts Our company in numbers 8 0 Biodiversit y at our company Sustainabilit y mat ters to all of us 84 Blum: A 360° par tner The key to new perspectives 8 8 Showroom in the Golden Cit y Exhibition space opened in Prague 58 A holist ic getaway A new hotel and spa concept 64 Thinking outside the box The hidden power of Blum solutions 66 Set t ing sail for more comfor t On the go in Lithuania 70 Powering ever yday life More than a drawer 74 Tips Books and more

Small won

12 18 24 30 32 space ders Light as a design element Turning visions into realit y Ex tra space, more convenience Staged to simple per fection Bringing spaces to life

12 Blum Inspirations Turning v isions into reality P H O T O G R A P H Y I N E S J A N A S L O C A T I O N L U S T E N A U I A U S T R I A What does a product developer think about before moving an idea into the implementation phase? What role does the dialogue with manufacturers and customers play in this process? We knew Armin Baldreich from Blum and interior designer Jürgen Krämer would have plenty to say about this, so we got them together for a conversation.

13 Blum Inspirations ABOUT You could say that Armin Baldreich is the mind behind AVENTOS HKi. Since 1996, Armin has been put ting his passion, exper tise and a fair amount of boldness into get ting product innovations by Blum of f the ground and on their way to manufacturers and end users. Together with his creative team, inter ior designer Jürgen Krämer develops highend projects for customers in the pr ivate and commercial sector. The furniture for these projects is made in the company's own furniture factor y. Those look ing for inspiration and advice are sure to find it at Jürgen's superb showroom in Lustenau, Austr ia. juergenkraemer. at

14 Blum Inspirations "Developing a successful product means adjusting our understanding of the customer time and time again." "When we design something, we always start with the impossible." S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

15 Blum Inspirations We tend to pursue a vision r ight from the star t rather than think ing in terms of solutions straight away. Tak ing a holistic view is an impor tant par t of our process. We don' t automatically reject any ideas, we know our materials and have an ingrained understanding of how to work with them. We work with the customer for the customer and show them possibilities they hadn' t thought of. Developing a successful product means adjusting our understanding of the customer time and time again. Af ter all, our customers and their needs are constantly changing. So listening to the customer isn' t enough – I need to share a relationship with them. Plus, there are cer tain trends that inform the development. In the case of AVENTOS HKi, for example, the market was look ing for a minimalist solution for opening and closing wall cabinet fronts. An essential aspect is knowing the requirements the product has to meet. For example, what does an inter ior designer like Jürgen Krämer need to do his job? And you also have to be open to change. AVENTOS HKi, for instance, was evolved from an existing solution based on needs analyses and conversations with manufacturers. The new version meets their growing demands much more ef fectively than the previous model. This is something I like, because the ma xim in inter ior design is the less you can see of technical components, the bet ter. While work ing with REVEGO we noticed some potential areas for improvement and openly communicated them to Blum. I would be delighted if our suggestions ended up being implemented. How do you approach the process of developing new furniture solutions and products? What role does the dialogue between product developers and users play? S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S Jürgen Krämer I N T E R I O R D E S I G N E R Armin Baldreich P R O D U C T D E V E L O P E R A T B L U M

16 Blum Inspirations I actively look for the r ight par tner for specific jobs, and this of ten gives r ise to new ideas and areas for development on both sides. For example, we created some of the momentum towards customising the box systems. I 'd like to see a closer dialogue on this level with a bit more energy behind it. It might be a question of culture; emotions can be infectious. I agree, and the way Blum presents its products is developing all the time. It 's been a long time now since we presented products simply by placing them on a table – we make them something people can exper ience in approachable designscapes. This speaks to manufacturers and end users in a completely different way and enhances the product 's significance. Innovation is a good catchword. Developing products always involves a cer tain amount of r isk. We're char ting new terr itor y in many cases. But if we don' t take any r isks, we'll never br ing any innovations to market. I always make an ef for t to think outside the box as well, which is actually how the solution came about for the installation of AVENTOS HKi. It saves an incredible amount of space and is practically invisible. We saw a carpenter using a chain mor tiser, and that gave us the idea to integrate a super narrow slot. • Having the r ight par tners is the be all and end all in our line of work. Their products make up a por t folio that we can use as a creative basis for our customers. Besides look ing for products of an outstanding qualit y, I want to connect with companies that have the capacit y to innovate, where we can gain an insight into their production and come into contact with real people. Do you approach suppliers regarding specific solutions or fur ther developments? What do you look for in professional par tnerships? Jürgen Krämer I N T E R I O R D E S I G N E R Armin Baldreich P R O D U C T D E V E L O P E R A T B L U M S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

17 Blum Inspirations S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

18 Blum Inspirations S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

19 Blum Inspirations Reduced to the essent ials The stay lif t fit ting is so slim that it can be fully integrated into the cabinet side. It matches the furniture and gives manufacturers ma ximum design freedom to implement their customers' design preferences. Even 16 mm thin side panels can be equipped with AVENTOS HKi. But the slimness of the fit ting has no impact on the size of the cabinet: heights of up to 600 mm and widths up to 1800 mm are possible. The stay lif t fit ting can easily Technical components integrated into side panels for opening and closing doors have a long histor y in the furniture mak ing industr y. "Blum has held patents for high- qualit y solutions for these applications for 15 years now," says product developer Armin Baldreich. Inspired by trends and years of obser vation, these systems are being continually evolved and AVENTOS HKi is now a sophisticated fit ting that truly stands out from the competition in terms of aesthetics and qualit y. Staged to simple perfection The most stunning designs stand out for their simplicity and functionality – whether in architecture, in the automotive or communications sector, in fashion and furniture design, or products for ever yday use. Hours and hours of thought and a courage to innovate always go into the deceptive simplicity that marks out true design classics. The integrated AVENTOS HKi stay lif t fit ting is a textbook example of this type of process. S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

2 0 Blum Inspirations suppor t heav y fronts weighing up to 18 kg. The result is loads of convenient storage space that 's per fectly staged in your living space. Tailor-made for furniture AVENTOS HKi is suitable for near ly any mater ial – hardwood, MDF, glass with narrow or wide aluminium frames, natural stone, ceramic or concrete. While the lif t system does require a special recess, Blum already came up with solutions for this when developing the product: manufacturers can use the MINIMILL milling machine or a pre-routed raw boards set. S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

21 Blum Inspirations But any conventional CNC machine can also be used to make the recess. Installation is tool free. "Our goal was to develop a solution that inter fered as lit tle as possible with our customers' proven manufactur ing processes. Plus, AVENTOS HKi is practically invisible when installed, leaving the stage to the design of the furniture and end users' ideas." • "We develop the technolog y that makes design f reedom possi ble for our customers in the first place." Armin Baldreich AVENTOS HKi Product Developer S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

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23 Blum Inspirations "Simpl icit y is the ult imate sophist icat ion." Leonardo da Vinci S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

24 Blum Inspirations Light as a design element We could dedicate an entire magazine just to the topic of light. Light evokes an emotional response, fulfils many dif ferent functions, sets the mood and suppor ts visual tasks – all of which make it an essential tool in interior design. Holger Leibmann, Complex Project Manager at Zumtobel Group, knows the ef fects that light can achieve and the scenarios that need to be taken into consideration in both the commercial and private domain. P H O T O G R A P H Y Z U M T O B E L L I G H T I N G L O C A T I O N D O R N B I R N I A U S T R I A S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

2 6 Blum Inspirations Mr Leibmann, how can light be used in designing a space? I recommend moving through the wor ld with your eyes wide open and look ing closely at things. When I 'm in a space with an ambience I like, I ask myself: What 's happening with the light here? Am I tak ing in contrasts and dif ferent levels of the space? So when I star t the planning process I make sure I have a clear idea of what mood I want to create. And I also think about the visual tasks in the space and consider where the project requires uniform or accented light and where it can do without it. As a light ing professional, can you recommend how to star t the planning process? Lighting design star ts with identif ying the sur faces in the space: Do they reflect a lot of light or just a lit tle, do they have a structure or rather a mirror ef fect? Moving on from that, don' t think about lights in terms of design objects but rather in terms of cr iter ia such as whether the fix ture should give of f sof t, dif fused light or focused, accentuated light. If you're look ing for ver y br ight light, for example, you'll need small light sources with lenses or reflectors. Planning is based on specific decisions that are made in the run-up to the design. What should light ing in a home of fice ideally look like? It depends on how much it is used. If I 'm only work ing for a couple of hours, I might feel absolutely fine with the beam of light from my desk lamp. But things get interesting if I want to concentrate on my work for an ex tended per iod without straining

27 Blum Inspirations my eyes. In this case I 'll need uniform lighting that isn' t too strongly focused in one spot and higher illuminance levels. I also have to make sure there aren' t any sources of glare in my field of vision. Excessive contrasts have a tir ing ef fect and can be a source of stress. And the same is true in the k itchen, rec room or in front of the bathroom mirror. In other words, light is in no way just about appearance? For one thing, light has an emotional effect on us. And then there's the biological ef fect as well, because light is stimulating in high intensities and helps us synchronise our internal clock with the dif ferent times of the day. In our living areas, we should avoid br ight light with cooler colours dur ing the evening in par ticular. A low-intensit y night light can be fit ted in the "Take a conscious approach to l ight, shadows and cont rast, especial ly in pr ivate l iv ing spaces." Holger Leibmann Complex Project Manager at Zumtobel Light ing S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

2 8 Blum Inspirations S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

2 9 Blum Inspirations ABOUT Holger Leibmann works for the Zumtobel Group in Austr ia where he oversees par ticular ly complex lighting projects, for example at museums and educational institutions. The innovative company enjoys a long tradition and has been of fer ing lighting solutions at the highest standards of qualit y and aesthetics since 1950. Zumtobel is a global player with 50 sales agencies wor ldwide. zumtobel.com bathroom or a child's room, for example, as a means of or ientation dur ing the night. This prevents us being stimulated at the wrong time of day. On the other hand, we can k ick-star t our day in the morning by creating set tings with high-intensit y light in the blue spectrum. So the light ing in a room should be variable? You should always think in terms of at least three scenar ios. If I 'm work ing or look ing for stimulation, I need br ight and uniform light. For normal use of the room I create a balanced propor tion bet ween accent lighting and dif fused light. In the evening I reduce the lighting to a few accents and perhaps dim them as well. Depending on what you prefer, this can be done with a smar t control unit or simply with sets of switches. Do you have a favourite project? In terms of a favour ite project, I would say the Beyeler Foundation museum in Basel. A key feature of the building is the interplay bet ween inside and outside and thus the way daylight and ar tificial light play of f one another as well. The design makes intensive use of var ious colour temperatures and moods over the course of the day, and when a warm, white ray of sunshine dances across a painting at t wilight, it 's simply stunning. • S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

3 0 Blum Inspirations Extra space, more convenience Pull - out shelves for enhanced qualit y of life Pull- out shelves are handy pull- outs that can be used for many dif ferent purposes in any living area. Equipped with a pull- out shelf lock, they of fer the option of safely set ting down var ious objects so you can keep your hands free. It could be a washing basket that you place at an ergonomic height for a few minutes to unload the machine, or maybe documents you only need for a shor t while in your of fice at home. Pull- out shelves can even turn into a trendy design element that 's integrated into your living room furniture – per fect for a home bar. S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

31 Blum Inspirations Pract ical on the outside, space - saving on the inside They glide out easily, are fixed firmly in place and can be quickly slid away again – pullout shelves equipped with the MOVENTO or TANDEM runner systems including pull-out shelf locks enhance ever yday life. The lock engages securely in place on both sides and can be released again in one easy movement. The BLUMOTION, TIP-ON BLUMOTION and TIP-ON motion technologies add ex tra convenience to the pull-out shelves, turning them into handy, space-saving assistants – in the kitchen, bathroom, living and utilit y rooms, or of fice. • S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

32 Blum Inspirations Design principles are just as much a par t of good craf tsmanship as flawless materials and high-quality technical solutions. And in contrast to interior styles, which are geared towards trends, these principles are relevant all around the world. In this inter view, Canadian interior designer Ramsin Khachi talks about his key design principles when creating individual interiors. Inspiring spaces for liv ing S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

33 Blum Inspirations Which fundamental rules of design do you follow when designing rooms? Good design is always multi- disciplinar y. I do work in line with conventional rules such as propor tion, balance, hierarchy and contrast, of course, but the main focus is creating meaningful environments and render ing spaces for their ultimate purpose. For me, it 's a holistic journey that results in ideating unique solutions. A space should not only meet the needs of the client today, for example, but anticipate what their needs may be tomorrow. Purpose and beaut y have to exist in equal measure, and the technology and functionalit y have to be compelling. And it goes without saying that the living space has to suit the client 's lifest yle and spark an emotional response. Does the light ing play an impor tant role in interior design? You can' t appreciate a beautiful space if you can' t see it, so lighting is a crucial aspect in planning any space. Light sets the tone in the space, highlights architectural details and suppor ts specific functions and visual tasks. What is the impor tance of storage space and ease of use when select ing furniture? Adequate storage space is one of the most over looked elements. It is a key factor in organisation and clut ter control, par ticular ly in smaller living or work environments. As a designer, I recommend high- qualit y furniture that delivers flawless technological functionalit y. It 's an investment that pays of f in terms of ease of use and durabilit y. That 's why I 've been a fan of Blum's motion technology for many years and regular ly talk about it on my YouTube channel, #bespokeintheburbs. P H O T O G R A P H Y K H A C H I D E S I G N + B U I L D L O C A T I O N O A K V I L L E I C A N A D A "The essence of good design is uncovered through the curiosity of the human experience to desi re unique solut ions and immersive exper iences." S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

3 4 Blum Inspirations What are the dif ferences bet ween designing workspaces versus living spaces? Ergonomics, proper lighting, acoustics, storage, freedom of movement, comfor t and a healthy environment are crucial for the well-being of workers. The tasks and activities of the people work ing there are also factors in designing workspaces. Living spaces have dif ferent considerations, and the focus here is more on creating a welcoming home environment based on design, comfor t and furnishings. But the boundar ies bet ween work and home spaces are becoming increasingly blurred, and the same applies to their design. Which are the most popular trends in Canada and the US? Are there dif ferences compared to Europe and Asia? To be honest with you, I am reluctant to embrace popular design trends. My designs are based on individual clients' ABOUT Ramsin Khachi inspires the industr y with his ex traordinar y flair for design and entrepreneurship. He and his multi- disciplinar y team at KHACHI DESIGN + BUILD in Oak ville, Canada, have earned a reputation for their elegant, custom designed spaces in both pr ivate homes and the commercial sector. khachi.com personalities and lifest yles, and these lifest yles var y significantly across Nor th Amer ica. You can' t apply universal pop ­ ular trends and develop all-encompassing design solutions on this basis. But the fundamental commonalit y that we all share is the appreciation for individual living solutions that reflect our lifest yle and our personalit y. A design pr inciple that applies to ever y space and ever y culture globally. •­ S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

3 5 Blum Inspirations S M A L L S P A C E W O N D E R S

Food cul

54 48 47 38 42 Experience Mexico's cof fee culture Cof fee around the world A flavour that connects us Space for new furniture ideas The language of colours ture

3 8 Blum Inspirations Barista, cof fee roaster and trainer – Nicole Bat tefeld-Montgomer y has turned her passion into a profession. She is one of the top five baristas in the world and is regularly on the winner's podium at national and international competitions. Bat tefeld-Montgomer y shares her wealth of exper tise on cof fee at workshops, on her blog and in her podcast, She's the Barista. A flavour that connects us F O O D C U LT U R E

3 9 Blum Inspirations You are a trainer, suppor t women in the cof fee industr y and par ticipate in competitions all around the world. What inspired you to become a barista? Af ter leaving school, I worked in a small espresso bar. I had a great time and learned a lot about cof fee and people. Af ter wards I trained as a chef and worked in some really outstanding restaurants in Ber lin, but I was never as happy as when I was mak ing cof fee, so I went back to being a bar ista. You don' t need an apprenticeship to be a bar ista, but it 's ver y complex. Real bar istas need a lot of theoretical and practical knowledge and exper ience in the culinar y sector so they can cope well with stress. Even ten years in, I 'm still learning and discover ing new sides to the profession that I pass on in my bar ista training courses. What does cof fee mean to you person - ally? For me, cof fee is about emotion and is closely connected to the people I have got to know via this medium. It 's a science that is also ver y social and accessible as people all around the wor ld like to dr ink cof fee. Let me put it this way: my husband is the love of my life, and cof fee is my best fr iend. P H O T O G R A P H Y C L A U D I A B Ö T T C H E R J O R D A N M O N T G O M E R Y L O C A T I O N B E R L I N I G E R M A N Y Nicole's cof fee mock tail recipe for hot days: E S P R E S S O P I R I N H A I N G R E D I E N T S : • 1/2 a lime • 1 teaspoon brown sugar • Ice cubes • 150 ml spark ling water • Double espresso P R E P A R A T I O N • Cut 1/2 lime in 4 small pieces • Add brown sugar and smash the limes and sugar with a mor tar • Add ice cubes • Fill up with spark ling water • Add double espresso • Garnish with mint or lime C H E E R S ! How do you develop your recipes, and what 's your specialit y? I look at what 's on trend, which ingredients people are into r ight now and what works well together. There has to be a balance bet ween acidit y, sweetness and bit terness; I like fresh and tangy flavours myself. My favour ite dr ink on a hot day is an Espresso Pir inha, for example. What are the most impor tant factors behind a really good cup of cof fee? I hear this question a lot and people usually want me to say "Machine x y makes the best cof fee," but it 's not that simple. You need good beans to get good cof fee. I like it when there's a lot of information on the packaging. Where is the cof fee from? How is the cof fee processed? What is its flavour profile? When was it roasted? I know what I 'm buying if a roaster provides all of this information. "Let me put it this way: my husband is the love of my l i fe, and cof fee is my best f r iend." F O O D C U LT U R E

4 0 Blum Inspirations How impor tant are fairness and sustainabilit y in your industr y? They are incredibly impor tant. And fairness and sustainabilit y star t when you buy the cof fee. A cheap cof fee can' t be fair ly traded, which means that we as consumers have the oppor tunit y to influence the market in a positive direction. Higher pr ices enable investments in environmental sustainabilit y, and the farmers earn more. I see this for myself when I visit cof fee farms in South and Central Amer ica. Cof fee is a global trend that shows no signs of slowing down. What do you at tribute this to, and why is it so consistent ly popular? Cof fee has been around for over 500 years, and it 's more than a dr ink made from roasted beans – it 's an invitation to be social. "Going for a cof fee" means taking time for each other. I think only cof fee has this power, which is why it 's such a popular dr ink. Apar t from that, cof fee just tastes ama zing, of course. Cof fee is both a science and a lifest yle hobby – where do you see cof fee cul - ture going in future? I think sustainable yet simple ways of prepar ing cof fee are growing in popular it y. Our cof fee makers are already small computers now, and I 'm a big fan of compostable capsules and high- qualit y dr ip bags. What would you like to do in future? Do you have a vision for your career? I think I 'd like to be wor ld champion at some point. Until that happens, I 'm training other bar istas, travelling around the wor ld and shar ing my passion for cof fee. I 'm actually already living my dream, so I have nothing to complain about. • N I C O L E B A T T E F E L D . C O M Quick guide to cof fee beans A R A B I C A • Global market share: 70% • Appearance: large, oval • Flavour: mildly acidic, sweet, fruit y • Growing elevation: 600 -2,300 m • Caf feine content: 1.1%-1.7% R O B U S T A • Global market share: 30% • Appearance: small, round • Flavour: bold, tangy, ear thy, nut t y • Growing elevation: up to 600 m • Caf feine content: 2%- 4% "Good qual it y cof fee and simple preparat ion. I think this is the f uture of cof fee." F O O D C U LT U R E

41 Blum Inspirations R E C I P E F O R E S P R E S S O P I R I N H A O N P R E V I O U S P A G E F O O D C U LT U R E

42 Blum Inspirations F O O D C U LT U R E

4 3 Blum Inspirations Experience Mexico's cof fee culture Cof fee brings people together, both at home and in the of fice. At Blum Mexico, a unique piece of furniture was developed as an homage to this much-loved hot drink. P H O T O G R A P H Y J O R G E Z U B I L L A G A L O C A T I O N M A L I N A L C O | M E X I C O F O O D C U LT U R E

4 4 Blum Inspirations If the cof fee lover doesn' t come to the cof fee, then the cof fee has to come to the cof fee lover. This is probably what the team at Blum Mexico thought, more or less. It 's no surpr ise that the idea behind the mobile Cof fee Station came from this countr y – af ter all, it 's one of the biggest cof fee growing countr ies in the wor ld. "Dr ink ing cof fee is a real r itual for us. It gives us a chance to talk to each other on both a professional and personal level. A lot of the best ideas star t this way," says Sergio Sánchez, Technical Manager at Blum Mexico. Communit y and inspirat ion Cof fee has both a relaxing and stimulating ef fect – the ideal combination for people who want to be motivated and work ef ficiently. Thanks to the Cof fee Station, the team can get their energy kick on the spot without having to make the trip from the kitchen to their of fice or the meeting room. The elegant LEGRABOX pull-out has space for everything that's needed for a meeting over coffee.

4 5 Blum Inspirations A statement piece with storage space The mobile Cof fee Station has a glass recess for an espresso machine and drawers with storage space for accessor ies – ever y thing from ground cof fee to cups to pastr ies. Despite its small size, this statement piece comes with a number of work tops for prepar ing cof fee dr inks. It represents a clear commitment to enjoying cof fee and each other 's company – whether inside, in the cour t yard or on the patio. Any where that cof fee lovers like to come together. Blum applicat ions, reinterpreted The innovative furniture compr ises the SPACE TWIN, LEGRABOX and a pull- out shelf with lock- open stop which are all standard Blum products. Sergio Sánchez headed up the creative side of the project together with Karen Morales and Sahara Islas from the marketing depar tment. "The idea behind the Cof fee Station was "Work ing together to make something special f rom standard Blum products was inspi r ing and excit ing for us." F O O D C U LT U R E

4 6 Blum Inspirations F O O D C U LT U R E The Coffee Station is a one-of-a-kind piece that makes a statement not just with its colour. having the freedom to respond flexibly to meeting situations without missing out on function and convenience. We had a lot of fun combining proven Blum products and using them to design something that 's both useful and beautiful." Eye - catching convenience The LEGRABOX drawers in the narrow SPACE TWIN cabinet feature an elegant carbon look. It only takes a moment to ex tend the handy pull- out shelf with the MOVENTO runner system and secure it in place with the pull- out shelf lock. Motion technologies by Blum of fer added convenience – thanks to SERVO -DRIVE, a touch on the front is all it takes to open the drawers and pull- outs. Plus, the integrated sof t- close mechanism ensures they close sof tly and ef for tlessly. •

47 Blum Inspirations I T A L Y G R E E C E A U S T R I A G E R M A N Y M E X I C O A U S T R A L I A V I E T N A M C U B A Cof fee around the world Cappuccino Frappé Kaisermelange Surpr isingly dif ferent: cof fee is drunk all around the wor ld, but it all comes down to how it 's prepared. Ever y countr y has its own special recipes. Which is your favour ite? Espresso Frothed milk Ice cubes Dash of milk Water Instant cof fee Sugar Whipped cream Honey + egg Cof fee Cognac Cream Vanilla ice cream Cof fee Cinnamon sticks Cof fee Panela (unrefined cane sugar) Filter cof fee Ice cubes Sweetened condensed milk Double espresso Finely frothed milk Espresso Whole cane sugar Eiskaf fee Café de olla Flat white Cà phê đá Café cubano F O O D C U LT U R E

4 8 Blum Inspirations for this called EXPANDO T that makes it easy to fit fronts measur ing a slender 8 mm and up. Space for new furniture ideas Elegance, lightness and minimalism are timeless trends in furniture design. But when it comes to implementing these trends, what appears simple calls for finesse and clever technical solutions. These include thin, handle-less furniture fronts star ting at 8 mm and out-of-the-ordinar y materials. More living and storage space Thin fronts aren' t just on trend, they also open up more scope for design. For inter ior designers and furniture designers, the challenge posed by thin fronts is ensur ing they are securely fixed to the fittings – whether used for drawers, cabinet doors or wall cabinet fronts. The product development team at Blum has a solution F O O D C U LT U R E

49 Blum Inspirations F O O D C U LT U R E

5 0 Blum Inspirations EXPANDO T is suitable for any application in furniture making. From wall cabinets to cabinet doors to pullouts, thin fronts can be used in many different settings. A key aspect for manufacturers is that EXPANDO T can be used in combination with AVENTOS HK top, HS and HL lift systems, CLIP top BLUMOTION and CLIP top hinges, and LEGRABOX and MERIVOBOX box systems. F O O D C U LT U R E

51 Blum Inspirations More possibilit ies The broad selection of mater ials also expands the options for the colour scheme. For example, ony x black hinges or an elegant combination of light and dark furniture can be used to tap into the trend towards dark sur faces. Thin fronts look especially attractive on LEGRABOX and MERIVOBOX box systems by Blum, accentuating their streamlined design even more ef fectively. • More materials to choose from The system ensures a secure hold in many dif ferent furniture mater ials. These range from common mater ials such as medium or high- densit y fibre boards (MDF/HFD), high pressure laminates (HPL) and veneered chipboards through to more unusual materials including mineral composites, concrete, quar t z composite, natural stone, cement fibreboards and ceramic. This spectrum of mater ials opens up potential for unique furniture designs, either on a uniform basis throughout the living space or in a mix of mater ials. T H I N F R O N T S , N A R R O W G A P S Thin fronts are a perfect match for narrow gaps, creating an elegant and seamless overall look. F O R H A R D A N D S O F T M A T E R I A L S Steel teeth bite into the material of hard materials, and nylon components ensure firm anchorage in soft panels. F R O M C L A S S I C T O E X T R A V A G A N T From classic MDF boards to extravagant ceramic – EXPANDO T for thin fronts starting at 8 mm. F O O D C U LT U R E

52 Blum Inspirations F O O D C U LT U R E

5 3 Blum Inspirations F O O D C U LT U R E

5 4 Blum Inspirations The language of colours The choice of colours plays a big role in how brands, consumer goods, furniture and entire spaces are perceived. Colours evoke emotions, moods and even values, mak ing them an ef fective design tool. For example, Pantone, an Amer ican company specialising in colours, has been of fer ing an internationally valid system since 1963 to descr ibe colours precisely and consistently – an essential aspect for designers and manufacturers. Colour psychology explores the ef fect that colours have on people's feelings, thoughts, reactions and decisions, with dif ferent meanings being ascr ibed to each colour. Orange, for instance, is said to be inspir ing, communicative, energetic – and is a classic found in many popular designs. • Smeg, a classic among refr igerators in the st yle of the 1950s, stands out thanks to iconic details and a wide selection of colours to choose from. smeg.com Designed in 1971 by Verner Panton, the Pantella table lamp is now available in a range of colours and sizes and has become a staple of Scandinavian inter ior design. louispoulsen.com Inspired by molten cast iron poured from the crucible, long-established manufacturer Le Creuset 's signature product was developed in 1925 – the enamelled Dutch oven in the colour "Flame", which pros and cook ing enthusiasts still swear by to this day. lecreuset .com F O O D C U LT U R E

5 5 Blum Inspirations The of ficial Aperol sprit z recipe from the Internat ional Bar tenders Associat ion (IBA) is the per fect way to end the day: • Place ice in a wine glass • Add 3 par ts prosecco (9 cl) and 2 par ts Aperol (6 cl) • Fill with soda water (3 cl) • Garnish with a slice of orange F O O D C U LT U R E


58 64 66 70 74 Set ting sail for more comfor t A holistic getaway Powering ever yday life Thinking outside the box Tips

5 9 Blum Inspirations A holistic getaway POST BEZAU, an over 170-year-old hotel in Austria's Bregenz Forest, of fers a getaway for ever yone who wants to relax and enjoy nature at a superb standard. The building's architecture and design create a seamless connection between traditional and modern, and between mind and body. It 's a holistic interplay, master fully staged by Susanne Kaufmann and Stephanie Rist. P H O T O G R A P H Y A N G E L A L A M P R E C H T A I M E E S H I R L E Y L O C A T I O N B E Z A U I A U S T R I A T R E N D S

"We made a conscious decision to leave cer tain things behind, gathered our st reng th anew and focused on what we do best." Susanne Kaufmann Qualit y rather than quant it y Ever y thing at POST BEZAU is reduced to the essentials so guests can focus on themselves and be free from the burdens of ever yday life. Qualit y and sustainabilit y were a top priorit y in the hotel's interior, which centres around natural materials and furniture built to last, mainly from the local region. A sense of harmony bet ween old and new is evident in many dif ferent areas, and most clearly in the hotel's architecture and design. The hotel bears the signature of Susanne Kaufmann's father, Leopold Kaufmann, and her brother, Oskar, both prominent architects with a reputation that ex tends far beyond the Bregenz Forest region. T R E N D S

61 Blum Inspirations T R E N D S

62 Blum Inspirations Sustainabilit y, surrounded by nature The POST BEZAU is located r ight in the midst of the breathtak ing scener y of the Bregenz Forest mountains. Surrounded by peaks and valleys, the hotel of fers a unique set ting for an unforget table stay. "We take a responsible approach to resources in the hotel and spa and draw on the gif ts that nature gives us," says Susanne Kaufmann. This is also true of her internationally successful line of cosmetics, which are made from natural ingredients. The hotel connects the power of nature with over 15 years of exper ience in spa culture and at tentive care for people's health. The goal is to create an inspir ing location that helps guests make positive changes that af fect their lives and bodies. A new star t for mind and body The hotel's retreats of fer an intentional getaway from ever yday life. They help people to change their habits, take a new perspective and cultivate awareness. During the detox retreat, for example, the process of losing weight star ts with consuming natural foods only. Treatment techniques specially developed at Susanne Kaufmann Spa Bezau suppor t the ef fects of the health retreat in an ef fective manner. POST BEZAU has been named "Austria's Best Wellness Retreat" several times in a row at the World Spa Awards in recognition of its holistic concept. • ABOUT Susanne Kaufmann and Stephanie Rist developed a concept based on the foundations of a healthy diet, adequate exercise, sleep, the r ight mindset and holistic treatments. Guided by this approach, each of the retreats is centred around an awareness of the body and mental well-being. hotelpostbezau.com T R E N D S

6 4 Blum Inspirations Think ing outside the box I N T R I N S I C V A L U E The secret here is to swap the hinge and mounting plate positions of the CLIP top BLUMOTION hinges. The furniture door opens inwards to the space behind it and creates a smooth, contemporary surface when closed. S T O R A G E I N E V E R Y S T E P The SPACE STEP plinth step offers access to the upper shelves in tall cabinets while also offering storage space inside. T R E N D S

6 5 Blum Inspirations C R E A T I N G A D D I T I O N A L S U R F A C E S The pull-out shelf with a lock-open stop takes up minimal space inside the furniture and disappears again in one easy movement after use. C O N C E A L E D T E C H N O L O G Y The compact AVENTOS HKi stay lift fitting is fully integrated in the cabinet. This maximises the impact of the furniture's design and saves more space for storage inside. Kitchens in par ticular of ten lack storage space. In addition to dishes, cook ing utensils and appliances, there needs to be a place for food as well. A concealed pantr y is just the thing here. Simply open the door, place the food items inside, shut the door – and the shopping has already been put away. This solution came about by mak ing creative use of proven Blum products. Simply clever. • T R E N D S

6 6 Blum Inspirations Setting sail for more comfort Spending each day in a new place while enjoying the comfor ts of your own home – a houseboat is a good place to experience this type of freedom. Inspired by this idea, our sales agency in Lithuania had a boat restored to suit their own requirements. P H O T O G R A P H Y A L D A S K A Z L A U S K A S L O C A T I O N K L A I P Ė D A | L I T H U A N I A T R E N D S

67 Blum Inspirations T R E N D S

6 8 Blum Inspirations "It all star ted with the idea of our own Inspirations yacht," explains Vy tautas Dailidė, Managing Director at Blulita, the Blum sales agency in Vilnius, Lithuania. Ever yone was so impressed by the results that the dock yard now wants to fit its own houseboats with products from Blum in future as well. "Using Blum solutions for the furniture onboard the boat represents an enhancement in terms of both qualit y and comfor t," says Donatas Vitkus, who heads up the Blulita branch in the por t cit y of Klaipėda. This is where the Blum Inspirations yacht is anchored. The boat ser ves as a location for customer events and demonstrates that Blum products can come into play in some ver y unlikely places. "We fell in love with this boat and took on the challenge of implementing ideas that enhance qualit y of life on the water. It was a ver y unique under tak ing because we had to work around the organic shape of the hull. As space is also limited, our goal was to make the best use of ever y inch of storage space." The products used on the boat came from the LEGRABOX and AMBIA-LINE ser ies. As a means of saving even more space, EXPANDO T was used to fix the cabinet fronts, some of which were ver y thin. The plan is to use AVENTOS HK-S for ongoing updates to the yacht. T R E N D S

- Legrabox drawers / wardrobe - Wardrobe - Legrabox drawers - Number of drawers 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 2 6 9 Blum Inspirations L E G R A B O X The popular system for drawers, inner drawers, high fronted pull-outs and inner pull-outs is available in different colours, heights, nominal lengths and load bearing classes. A M B I A - L I N E This smart inner dividing system for drawers distinguishes itself with clear lines and custom adjustments – so everything inside is stowed safely and tidily away. A V E N T O S This multi-award-winning lift system maximises convenience in motion and is ideally suited to small wall cabinets in sizes S and XS. T R E N D S

70 Blum Inspirations Powering ever yday life Many devices we use ever y day require electricity, including smar tphones, headphones, tablets, cof fee makers and consumer electronics. But their cables and plugs are a constant presence and aren' t ver y nice to look at. One solution could be power sources integrated into furniture. Blum's answer is called AMPEROS – a thought fully designed concept that of fers safe handling without any visible cables. T R E N D S

71 Blum Inspirations Aesthet ic and pract ical Lighting integrated into furniture boosts its aesthetic and practical value. Designed as a universal system, AMPEROS can supply entire base cabinets with electr icit y – from an invisible source. In addition to lighting up the drawer there is also a USB-C connection inside, so the system of fers a practical way of stor ing and charging electr ical devices at the same time. The power profile on the inter ior side of the cabinet back eliminates the tedious process of routing cables and changing bat ter ies. There's no need to disconnect any cables to fit and remove the drawers, and the lighting and USB connections can be conveniently controlled via an app. An easy furniture upgrade AMPEROS is a stand-alone solution and can therefore be retrofit ted to existing furniture. No additional space is required at the back or bot tom. The system can supply electricit y not only to drawers with MOVENTO or LEGRABOX but also to pull-out shelves. This lets you ef for tlessly pull out cof fee makers and kitchen appliances as well as printers and other electrical devices without dealing with a tangle of cables. You can then use them safely and slide them back into the cabinet in one simple motion. Retrofit ting the system doesn' t require any electrical exper tise, so AMPEROS is simple for laypeople to implement while enhancing convenience in the home. T R E N D S

72 Blum Inspirations "AMPEROS can cont rol many d i f ferent f unct ions – the colour and br ightness of integ rated l ight ing, lockable f urniture elements and drawers for keeping d ishes warm" Lena Richter AMPEROS Communicat ions T R E N D S

73 Blum Inspirations AMPEROS solut ions at a glance AMPEROS DC • 24-V infrastructure • Lighting • Charging via USB- C connector • Power profile on back of cabinet • No time- consuming cable routing or bat ter y changes • Operated via app • Ideal for supplying entire base cabinets with power AMPEROS AC • 230 -V stand-alone solution • For drawers and pull- out shelves • Uses existing inter face to the cabinet profile of LEGRABOX and MOVENTO • No additional space needed below or to the rear • Ideal as subsequent upgrade T R E N D S

© Bon Voyage, gestalten, 2019 © Vitra Design Museum She's the Barista Cof fee exper t Nicole Bat tefeld-Montgomer y's podcast and blog are dedicated to stor ies and issues around the topic of cof fee with a focus on the role of women in this globally significant industr y. nicolebat tefeld.com/blog T ips Bon Voyage Boutique hotels for sustainable travel, compiled by renowned travel journalist Clara Le For t. First- class hospitalit y and sustainabilit y go hand in hand. gestalten & Clara Le For t Hard cover, 28 8 pages ISBN 978 - 3 - 89955 - 9 63 -7 gestalten.com Victor Papanek . The Polit ics of Design Designer Victor Papanek was a proponent of socially and environmentally sustainable design. His interpretation of design as a tool for social change is more relevant than ever and continues to shape debate around social design, cr itical design and design think ing to this day. Vitra Design Museum Sof t cover, 40 0 pages, 450 images ISBN 978 - 3 - 945852-25 - 5 design -museum.de T R E N D S

75 Blum Inspirations © Designing Coffee, gestalten, 2023 © International OCEAN FILM TOUR Volume 9 © The great Outdoors, gestalten, 2018 Experiencing the freedom of the oceans The International Ocean Film Tour showcases a programme of str ik ing and emotive pictures on and in the water, shar ing stor ies, knowledge and inspiration. This is profound, aspirational entertainment that connects a wide audience around the wor ld. oceanfilmtour.com Designing Cof fee Cof fee tastes the best when you can enjoy it in a unique inter ior. Check out this st ylish publication to find out how on-trend cof fee shops are designed around the wor ld and the role that branding and packaging have to play. gestalten & L ani Kingston Hard cover, 256 pages ISBN 978 - 3 - 9 6704 - 0 97- 5 The Great Outdoors This book includes 120 fabulous recipes for cook ing outdoors. A must for your nex t road tr ip or camping holiday. Markus Sämmer Hard cover, 272 pages ISBN 978 - 3 - 89955 - 948 - 4 gestalten.com T R E N D S

78 88 80 84 Blum: A 360° par tner Blum facts Showroom in the Golden Cit y Biodiversit y at our company The wor of

ld Blum

78 Blum Inspirations 32 Blum facts Subsidiaries and representative offices on 6 continents Creating furniture fit tings for a bet ter quality of living is one of our main goals. Founded in 1952, we manufacture lif t, hinge, pullout and pocket systems for furniture and provide complementar y ser vices and assembly devices. We ship our multi-award-winning products to 120 markets worldwide. 9 in Asia 15 in Europe 2 in Africa 2 in North America 2 in Oceania 2 in South America T H E W O R L D O F B L U M

79 Blum Inspirations 100 % 50 % 75 % 25 % 2023 2021 2023 2025 100 % 50 % 46 % 100 % Energy mix in 2023 of the fleet operates on biogas 2026 2030 2018 2025 Green roofs in Poland Renewables Electr icit y from hydroelectr ic power Flexible packaging made of recycled film Green employee travel Renewable energy sources Fossil fuels 1,580 m2 10,780 m2 T H E W O R L D O F B L U M

8 0 Blum Inspirations Biodiversity at our company T H E W O R L D O F B L U M

81 Blum Inspirations When people hear the word "biodiversit y", they usually think of the diversit y of species. But there are t wo more levels: diversit y within species (i.e., genetic diversit y) and the diversit y of ecosystems and their interactions with one another. Blum has studied this topic in depth and developed a plan to create outdoor spaces on its premises that will promote biodiversit y. This plan is applied in the development of new sites but also used to improve existing spaces. Bet ter and more balanced Blum designs its green spaces with plants and animals in mind: • Mini meadows instead of lawns Promoting and maintaining biodiversity are essential in the fight against climate change. Ever y one of us can do our par t – even if it 's only something small. Blum is taking on more responsibility in this direction, because we believe it 's the right thing to do. Companies have many more possibilities to design and implement ef fective measures – such as greening outdoor spaces. • A mix of native trees • Shrubber y to provide shelter • More food sources • Green corr idors for animals • Fewer light emissions Green roofs – healthy environment Greening roofs is one of the ways we compensate for unavoidable carbon emissions. These green roofs not only look good, they also enhance biodiversit y. And they of fer other advantages as well, such as boosting humidit y, lower ing the ambient temperature, improving air qualit y (by absorbing CO2) and reducing noise emissions. Green roofs even help protect against flooding by retaining rainwater. T H E W O R L D O F B L U M